Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Wake of Wednesday

Hello 197 pounds! Although you are a most welcome sight this morning on the bathroom scale, I am hoping you will be nothing but a distant memory by next week's weigh in.

I have had this cold for 5 days now. I keep thinking "Oh, just one more day and the nose/sinus/kleenex devouring will be over" and then I am wrong. Over and over and over. Blah.

And now #2 is sick. Because of course, this weekend is only the culmination of 2 years worth of effort; it's only the graduation of my husband who has put his heart and soul into this incredible program; it's only the gathering of family and friends traveling near and far by plane and car; it's only something I've been looking forward to for 48 months. No biggie.

If I don't have any hair left by tomorrow, you will no why.

At times like these I wish I did have a nanny. Someone to take my kiddos so I can clean/pack. I mean, why do I do this to myself? I schedule everything up until the day I leave. That means today is not only packing day, but it is also piano lessons, play group, get my nails done, homework, and finish laundry. Oh, and clean so I don't come home to a disaster. Maybe I should plan better next time and just tell people we're gone the day BEFORE we're actually gone. Or hire a nanny. Anyone want to be my nanny for free?

Since I won't be around for Mother's Day, I want to bring your attention to a couple of places that will be highlighting Moms, mothers, and other mother-like figures or have written some great posts about mothering already:

Also, please refer to my previous Mother's Day Posts:

2010 (really short one)
2009 (lots of cool pictures of women in my life)
2008 (Part I, Part II, and Part III)
2007 (Ode to my Mother)
2006 (Really, REALLY short one)


“Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.”
~ Lin Yutang


Jocelyn said...

Happy Mother's Day. I do my best work when I'm under the gun -- hopefully it will be that way for you today! :)

Have a wonderful time in CA for graduation. What a hugely huge accomplishment for your whole family!

Love you!!!

Cardalls said...

Congrats to all of you...because he would not be graduating without you!