Monday, May 15, 2006

Sweet moments

Amid my crazy life comes small and sweet moments that remind me why I'm doing what it is that I'm doing. That one lesson in Church. That one talk in Sacrament Meeting. That one song on the radio. That one comment from a friend, neighbor, or family member. That one shout of joy from #1, #2, or #3. A sincere compliment from DH.

I love these sweet moments, and not just because it feels good, but my perspective is tapped just a tad in the corrected direction.

Nothing can be sweeter than to hear #1 whispering (loudly) to DH early on Mother's Day: "Dad! Let's go make breakfast for mom! Dad! Wake up! DAD!" or to unwrap one of my gifts that #2 picked out and see that it is "Hoodwinked" (rather than a fantastic romantic film). :) I love Mother's Day. A lot of women hate it, and most of them have great reasons to hate it. But I love it because for one whole day I am truly appreciated and reminded why I do what I do. I am able to step back and see that I truly am a much better housewife than DH (ha, ha!), my children really do love me and want to please me, and all the mundane day-to-day things are truly needed by my family. Oh, and I get great gifts. :)

So today I am grateful for those sweet moments and reminders. Amid my crazy life, there is solace and there is purpose. A beautiful, beautiful feeling...

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