Thursday, November 20, 2014

Grateful for Brandon

Today, my husband turns 38 years old! I know it's not a significant type of birthday; we're still pretty young, but I find that each year we spend together means something significant --each year we get older is rather miraculous. Not because we're dying (although I guess we could get into the philosophical discussion that we all begin to die once we are born, but who wants to dwell on that!?), but because life is so fragile and we're blessed to have so much of it!

Last year, I wrote about 37 reasons why I love him. The year before that, I wrote 36 random facts about him. This year, I've decided to just share a few photos and anecdotes about his awesomeness. 

He is a handsome man! 

And can be a bit nerdy, too. Cute nerdy! 

See!? Look at that face?! Handsomest guy in the world!

He's a great public speaker and presenter.

And he loves to travel and see new things (like me!):
The Great Wall of China near Beijing, 2010

Island of St. John, 2014

Buckingham Palace in London, 2009

Being goofy by the Shrimp Shack on the highway from Honolulu to Laie, Hawaii, 2011

Waterton National Park in Alberta, Canada, 2008

Catching Fish in the Bay of Banderas in Puerto Vallarta, 2004 

He's a wonderful date!

And he has a brilliant mind:
Wharton Graduation (Executive MBA) 2011

He loves his kids a lot:
Nearby Arboretum 

Fishing in Connecticut

Hiking Battle Creek Falls 

Niagara Falls

Playing a game at FHE

Arches National Park

Avila Beach, California

The "Y" trailhead

Hiking to Stewart Falls

Raymond Parade (Canada)

Riding horses in 2004

Playing catch at the park in September 2014

All in all, Brandon is a very good man. He works hard to provide for our family, and he is always more than willing to serve the Lord. He's a complicated and talented and beautiful soul, and I'm so grateful for our life together. I dearly love him.

Happy Birthday, Brandon. Here's to many more! 

1 comment:

deeps said...

amazing family...lovely