Monday, March 03, 2014

Happy (Belated) Birthday, Baby Boy!

Such a busy time for birthdays! #4's is on the 8th of February, #2's is on the 11th of February, a niece's is the 19th of February, mine is the 26th of February, my brand new niece was born on the 27th of February, #6's birthday is the 2nd of March, my brother's is the 3rd of March, and my nephew's is the 4th of March. So many family birthdays! Both cool and crazy at the same time. 

Can you believe it's been two years since I had my baby boy?

I can't.

He has grown up way too fast. I remember his first year of life, the constant night feedings (that lasted an entire year) and wondering if it would ever end. Well, it did. It always does. And just like I knew, during those feedings, that I would miss them, I realize that I do. I miss his sweet cuddles, falling asleep on my chest, nuzzling on his neck... I don't miss the lack of sleep, but I sure miss what that lack of sleep represented!

For his birthday, yesterday --he turned 2 on the 2nd! Golden Birthday! --we didn't do anything too extravagent. (That's the best part of little babies; they really don't expect much.) He had fallen in love with the Duck & Goose books, and so we got him some, along with a plush Duck and a plush Goose. He loved them! I made a cake after church, and we celebrated with the Elders (missionaries).

Here's photos of him as an infant (I know, it really seems like it was yesterday) and of his day, yesterday. Oh! And if you want to read about his home birth, go here. Also, loads of photos from his birth!

Love you, #6! So grateful you're in our family!

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