Ooh, look! Bike riding as a family!

Memorial Day: Hiking to Battle Creek Falls with some family...

First full week in June was dance camp!

The kiddies and I on a nice little jaunt to Bridal Veil Falls...(side note: The first picture is of #4 pretending to be the Statue of Liberty. His randomness makes me so proud!)

One glorious Saturday, Brandon and I went on a date. We had a picnic, played some card games, made out (whoo-hoo!), went to the Farmer's Market, and...that's about it. I had to take a picture of the gorgeous boy...

One glorious Saturday, Brandon and I went on a date. We had a picnic, played some card games, made out (whoo-hoo!), went to the Farmer's Market, and...that's about it. I had to take a picture of the gorgeous boy...

Idaho Visit in June: Jensen's Grove, Spray Park in Rexburg, Tautphaus Park Zoo...

Pictures of our Camping Trip in California!!

Pictures of our Camping Trip in California!!
Just kidding.
I forgot to take pictures there, remember?
*sniff, sniff
#5 turned ONE on July 28th. We celebrated three times. Once before we left for Canada, and twice in Canada. The following includes birthday celebrations, park going, and great-grandparent visiting...

I love picture catch up posts.
And looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
What awesome pictures!
And you know what I just realized? We didn't take any pictures of us together when we had lunch! I have no proof that I got to hang out with you! Dangit! :)
This is the kind of post I need to do to catch up. Can I just borrow yours and call it good?
Love it!! Great pictures!
what a fun summer...love the pictures...i have been terrible at doing that this summer...have some i need to download...maybe you have been my inspiration!
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