Thursday, March 26, 2009

Earth Hour

I had never heard of this --but I saw it today over at Prove Real.
I'm not a vigilante environmentalist. I'm really not. But! I do my best to recycle, buy local produce, turn off the lights, water the lawn in the morning, etc. because we are stewards of the Earth, are we not? We should take care of it! So, I decided to sign up. Watch the video below --and sign up if you want to! If anything, it's the easiest thing in the world. How hard is it to turn off the lights for one hour? Not hard at all...


Jocelyn said...

With my track record, I'll sign up and then forget. And then feel guilty.

I'm thinking about it, though.

Thanks for a great video.

Jocelyn said...

PS, Sorry to take over your comments section today! :)

Cardalls said...

Okay here I am the big old skeptic...what good will it do the earth? Will it have an impact environmentally or is this somebody's agenda. I am skeptical when it comes to global warming, I think now we just have better tools to measure that we didn't have before....anyway, I will not get on my soapbox. I do recycle, and believe I need to be a good steward, but I think a lot of environmentalism is politically motivated.

Cheryl said...

You can take over whenever you want. :)

Hey, no problem! I kind of feel the same way at times. I can't stand it when people are Green because it's "cool" and not because they really care about recycling. Plus, Al Gore is a hypocrite full of hot-air --and I think any extreme-ism on any side is counterproductive and entirely misses the point.

But using less electricity DOES help the environment, as does less gas, less waste, etc. So, if the whole world (or a lot of it) actually did turn off their lights for one whole hour? It might actually make an impact. How big that is...I don't know. But I guess I don't see any reason NOT to do it, you know?

Blogging and Bliss said...

I will do it, but I refuse to believe that we are the ones causing global warming. I think it is a natural thing that happens warming and cooling. I refuse to get on that whole GLOBAL WARMING band wagon. I do believe like you said that we are stewards of the earth and need to take care of it less pollution, reusing things and making do. Thanks for the great idea. I had seen the commercial it looks like a good thing to do with the kids. Sorry it was such a long comment.

Never A True Aggie said...

I just heard this today on NPR and think it is a good idea.

Now, I just have to remember too.

Michelle Catherine Walker said...

Ah ha! So you're favorite color IS green! Huh, that's so funny, I totally pegged you for a sky-blue.


Jocelyn said...

See? I TOTALLY forgot about it. Darn -- I really do think we contribute to the health/detriment of our planet, so I should have been really gung-ho about this. Sorry I missed it.