My friend Jill has a recipe site! It's a place to leave recipes three times a week (and a few odds and ends). I can't remember if I told people about it, yet, so go check it out and share your recipes!
Do you study your scriptures faithfully? Do you read daily? Do you feast upon the words of Christ? Yeah, me neither. There. I admitted it! The weakness I've struggled with for a decade that I'm embarrassed to admit --it is finally out in the open. My scripture study stinks. However, Julie has decided to help out the slackers like myself and start an online scripture study group! Go here to learn more and start sharing your thoughts with all of us. Hooray for the Word of God!
This is kind of late (only a day!), but our witty and wise friend Bythelbs has written 100 posts! Go find out why there's a hundred reasons to read her writing...
So, we're going camping tonight. I hope we can find something somewhere. We haven't really planned this out very well, but what's there to plan? We throw the camping gear in the van, get some food and warm clothes (and a big bag of marshmallows), and voila! Memories for a lifetime. Our kids love to camp, so hopefully it will be fun and not too crazy. I'll let you know.
Now, as some of you may know, I am going to be attending the Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers Workshop at BYU all next week. My mother is coming to help watch the kids (thank you, mom! You're the best!) as I'll be gone every afternoon. When that week is over, we are having some guests in our home for about five days (friends from Concord! Hooray!). Soon, thereafter, I will be taking my children to Idaho and then to Canada. Phew!
All I'm sayin' is it's going to be busy the next little while. I'm going to do my best to blog as much as I can (because I would die without blogging), but you'll have to forgive me if I'm not around as much as I usually am, commenting and flinging my opinions here and there and everywhere without a care in the world. I know it might be hard for all of you not to hear such important opinions, but I'm sure you will survive. Right? Right.
What are you doing this weekend? Any big plans for Father's Day?
*Coming up next: Tribute to Fathers and Spotlight Sunday
Sounds like a whirlwind of a couple weeks. Have fun at that workshop! We will miss you! We aren't doing anything real fun. I keep forgetting to call my dad and invite him over for dinner on Sunday. That's about the big plans for this week...:)
Have so much fun at the workshop! My sister is going too, I wish I could. Hope your weekend/week go well. Good luck.
Thanks for the shout out!
Thanks for shouting out to me too! Tonight is Fathers and Sons here, so Clint and Emery are off to face the wild and Chani and I are going to dinner with some other girls from the branch. I am really looking forward to it. Then, after Chani is in bed, I'm going to watch 27 Dresses with a big bowl of ice cream!
Tonight is our ward campout. Due to DH's anxiety issues of late, I'll be braving it alone with the 3 Wild boys. Wish me luck!
On Saturday we have a lunch & mini golf bday party for our nephew, and then the wonderful Logan Summerfest that night.
Sunday will be tin foil dinners up the canyon with FIL and all the other Wild-In-Laws.
Whew, that'll be a lot to blog about next week!
BTW, I'm totally going to miss your opinions. :) Have fun though. I'm thinking of coming down in July for my visit. Whaddaya think?
Thank you for letting everyone know about the study group.
Everyone: Please join us! It's been a lot of fun so far, hasn't it?
This weekend consists of a wedding reception and a mission farewell. And lots of family as a result. I'm looking forward to it. And I'm also just slightly jealous that you're going camping. Okay REALLY jealous.
And I'll miss your comments.
And MOTWB -- I'm a Cache Valley-ite, too!
No you're not. Because if you went camping right now, you would cry because you would be tired and cold. So just imagine camping trips NEXT summer and those are gonna be AWESOME!
Yes! July could work. Let's email...
I really liked 27 Dresses. It was a chick flick that didn't leave me feeling all covered in cheese.
You're welcome. :)
Ooh! Who is your sister? Maybe I'll run into her...
Jumbo Shrimp-
Get on the phone, girl! Call your dad. :)
You're a brave girl to camp with Aunt Flo! :) Man, camping sounds fun! What am I talking about? I'm getting to camp for a whole month almost! There's ONE way to look at it. I loved your post yesterday, and I envy you for getting to go to the BYU Workshop. I would so love to do that. Have so much fun indulging yourself! And, yes, I will miss you when you get your busy summer schedule going. You'll probably do better than me! Have a fun weekend!
Vital info: who is visiting you next week? How am I not in the loop?
Whatever! You are the woman when it comes to camping. And adventure. And everything. :) Good luck with the move and the building!
Oh! It's nothing huge; The Unalps are bringing their eldest to college. We've offered to be their "hotel" for about 5 days. Now, when are you coming to visit us?
The workshop sounds AWESOME! I can't wait to hear all about that. And the camping trip. Ours is in a few weeks. Maybe I'll glean a few tips from your failures...errr...successes. :)
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