Fanny Fern

Father! - to God himself we cannot give a holier name.
William Wordsworth

My Dad
My daddy is my fav'rite pal,
And I help him eve'ry day.
It's plain to see I want to be
Like him in ev'ry way.
He teaches me that honesty
Is best in all I do.
I'm very glad that he's my dad,
And I know he loves me too.
Carol Graff Gunn

One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.
George Herbert

To my Father:
From my earliest memories, your love and support has been with me; guiding, correcting, listening, loving. Even now, hearing your advice and counsel makes me feel safe. I don't know how to describe the love I have for you; how grateful I am to Heavenly Father for sending me to you. Everything you did (your respect and kindness to mom, your gentle words, your humor, your amazing advice, your natural way of listening) has made me a better person. I love you, Dad!

To the Father of my children: Nothing could have prepared me for the gratitude I feel when I see your interaction with our kids. The attention, love, and praise you give them have truly made you a hero in their eyes. Thank you for being the greatest father, and the greatest husband. I love you!

Yay for Dads!
Dads are pretty cool, and it seems like you lucked out with some top notch ones. Also, your dad's 70s shades are pimpin!
Thanks for sharing, Cheryl. Beautiful. I love my dads, too.
What a sweet tribute! Awesome.
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