Monday, January 23, 2006

My New Goals to Reduce the Stress...


I have resolved to do the following to reduce the stress within my life.

1) NO MORE PARTIES! I will no longer be throwing parties for Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Creative Memories, Heritage Makers, Stampin' Up, or anything else I've ever heard of.

2) No more Charities. I will pay to the charity of my choice (tithing and fast offerings!!) and perhaps a cancer or two. However, if they call me on the phone, I will firmly say no.

3) This one goes along with #2; I will no longer entertain solicitors. Before Spring hits, I will put a "no solicitors over the age of 17" on my door.

4) I am quitting the Scholastic book club and will use the library or my daughter's scholastic book-orders from school. No more bills!

5) I will reduce the amount of shows I watch on TV in the evenings after the kids are in bed.

6) I will exercise for at least 30 minutes a day --I can do it with the kids awake I've discovered, and it's a beautiful world now after that discovery!

7) I will laugh and smile more.

8) I will play with my children more often and make them laugh and not be so bossy.

9) I will learn how to say "no" to those favors asked that truly do cause myself pain and might indirectly hurt my children

Ahhh... the stress is slowly leaving even as I type this.... :)


Karmama said...

consider me a kindred spirit then !

I'm lost and up to arm pits in diapers, bottles, bibs, clothes and kids

Not to mention husbands that don't get what that world is like to be in for 10hrs each day!

Melzie said...

Some good ideas, I think I need to do #7 & #9... :)