Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Alone in Morality?

I feel alone. And lost.

What irks me the most is the confidence I no longer have. When I reach out in confidence to define who I am, I get slammed down.

It used to be easy for a conservative, traditional, hard-working Mormon housewife like myself to express herself without danger of being labeled a bigot or a traitor.

Now I'm the bad guy. I'm wrong for standing up for Christianity, truth, doctrine and my God. If I stood up for gay rights, liberal thinking, and sexual sin, then I would be praised. But by standing up for that truth, doctrine, and God I'm called "JUDGEMENTAL" and "PREJUDICED".

My friend commented to me last night: "It's interesting how Brokeback Mountain will win all of these Oscars, but the Chronicles of Narnia is all wrong and evil because it promotes Christianity. It's like what it says in the Book of Mormon where people will call evil good and good evil." She really got me thinking.

Why am I evil now? Because I stand up for truth and somehow that hurt somebody's feelings and so I'm the one that has to repent.

I'm tired of being afraid. I'm tired of being afraid of who I am. I hate this filth-infested, sexually perverted world for making me and others like me feel like trash because we aren't "with it" and we adhere to our "outdated" religious guidelines.

I'm sick of feeling alone in my crusade of being a moral woman.


Legendary Pink Dot said...

Hey, you're not alone, others of us are tired of being thought of as closed-minded, etc. when we stand for what is right and good. Even in Utah (I'm back again after spending 8 years in NYC and CA) you have to defend yourself from those who think that, for example, seeing Brokeback Mountain makes you more "tolerant" than those who'd rather not indulge the gay cultural movement.

Legendary Pink Dot said...

Hey, you're not alone, others of us are tired of being thought of as closed-minded, etc. when we stand for what is right and good. Even in Utah (I'm back again after spending 8 years in NYC and CA) you have to defend yourself from those who think that, for example, seeing Brokeback Mountain makes you more "tolerant" than those who'd rather not indulge the gay cultural movement.

Cheryl said...

Thank you...
I think I sometimes forget that most of these "moral" women I'm looking for live down the street. :)

Anonymous said...

In the Joseph Smith translation of Matthew 7:1 it says to "judge righteous judgement" and for some reason the world has taken the King James version of the same scripture to mean that we should not judge things that are wrong to be wrong. It is very sad. You are not alone Cheryl and don't let people that aren't Christian tell you what is Christlike.

Cheryl said...

Not all non-Christians judge Christians...I do know that...and not all Christians judge non-Christians...

It's just frustrating to see something that was so good and true (old-fashioned values) be dubbed "closed-minded" and "intolerant"...that's all...

But I do agree that everyone is different and we need to respect that...