Monday, January 02, 2012

Jumping On The Resolution Train

Hello, 2012!

2011 is over, and it was such a busy year. Crazy, exciting, devastating, and just...weird.

Brandon graduated from Wharton with his MBA. It took six months to conceive this baby boy. We traveled just as much as we always do. I learned so much about health & nutrition, my own spiritual strengths/weaknesses, my depression, and my marriage. We lost Jared to suicide. Brandon's father re-married. Two nieces were born. My grandmother turned 89! #2 was baptized. Brandon changed jobs. (not in that order!)

I'm really hoping 2012 will be less exciting and more stabilizing. I'm really hoping for some more forgiveness and peace.

I usually don't make New Year's Resolutions. I find it silly that every January 1st, everybody makes the same resolutions again: "I want to be healthier, happier, and nicer!" It's pretty much the same for every human being. And why not, eh? Isn't it true that we all need to be healthier, happier, and nicer? It's a constant battle we are fighting with ourselves and with satan. I guess I just don't see why we have to set it down to paper in January, only to make the same resolutions the next January. *shrug

I've noticed that some resolutions this year, though --especially by my mommy buddies --have to do more with a character trait. Amanda chooses one word. Julie chooses one idea. In Church on Sunday, a speaker used this scripture to show how it could be a New Year's Resolution:

"And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." ~Luke 2:52

I like all of them. I thought, "why not do some resolutions? So what if it's the same every year? Isn't that the point? To increase in wisdom (intelligence) and stature (health) and to increase in favor with God (spirituality) and man (being kind and service-minded)? And so, I've decided to think about what I want to improve this year, jump on the resolution train, try to keep them, and.. here's my list!

1. I want to read more and be on the computer less. Meaning: less FB. Less email. Less browsing. More reading scriptures, novels, non-fiction, church magazines.
2. I want to train to run a race again. When I'm running (which I HATE to do), everything is better somehow. Getting started, however, is the tough part! Luckily, I don't have to start now. I'll start 4-6 weeks after baby is born. And even if I don't run too far (a 5K is good enough for me), I know that if I start running, I'll be more apt to start weight lifting, too. Cardio, weights, and yoga! Yes!
3. I want to fill my body with powerful nutrition in order to help my body, my mind, and my emotions. I already know how to do this (I'm still doing some!) --I just need to be vigilant about it.
4. I want to make my prayers to God more meaningful; more real. I need to work on my personal prayers and be more focused.
5. I want to serve people more --talk less, listen more. I want to find ways where I can serve, even if it's small.

Ha! See? Health, happiness, being nicer.

But it's okay --because the longer I'm mortal, the more I realize that these are the things we're trying to do to overcome the natural man/woman, anyway. To take care of our beautiful bodies (gift from God), to find joy in our existence (usually through spiritual channels and improving our minds), and being nice to people (making our relationships count). Because what can we take with us when we die? Our knowledge, our testimonies, our relationships, and our physical/mental/emotional addictions. What will we be asked to report on? Exactly. So, it just makes sense that we all keep trying to improve those areas (consciously or not).

Anyway, enough rambling. You get the point. Here's to a great new year and to becoming better!

Do you write down New Year's Resolutions? Are you able to keep them? What are some you are hoping to keep this year?


Amanda D said...

I love that scripture. Thanks for sharing! I think your resolutions are great. You will do wonderfully well, I'm certain. Good luck!

Rebekah V. said...

I do write down my goals and i have a very "2 steps forward 1 step back" mentality about it. Last year I lost 15 lbs and then gained back ten but if I hadn't set that goal I would proably 10LLbs heavier than i was last january. Instead I am starting the year off five pounds lighter than last. I tend to get resolute quarterly. So I think January is just my first quarter and I will revisit things at easter, then in summer and then when all the kids head back to school. It seems like I am always making goals when the kids are back in school after a break and I have a little space to reflect!

Here is to a successful first quarter of 2012!

Stephanie said...

Happy New Year, Cheryl!!

Courtney N said...

Happy New Year cousin! Love you!