The random number was EIGHT, which means:
Michelle Catherine Walker, you are a winner! [And everyone needs to read her story because it's fantastic.] Congratulations! What do you win? I still don't know. But I will get you something awesome in San Francisco this weekend and mail it to you!
Yeah, so, umm... I didn't realize that when I saved each picture with the name of the movie, you could each scroll over it to find out. But only one of you entered this contest, and so Steph! You won! Like Michelle, you will get something fantastic in San Francisco this weekend and I will get it to you.
For those who care, here's the list of the pictures:
Bright Star
Brandon and Cheryl
Random cute kids
Somewhere in Time
Cool Old Key
Under the Greenwood Tree
The Lady of Shallot
North and South
Romeo and Juliet
The Kiss
Tristan and Isolde
Gone With the Wind
Pride and Prejudice
Sweetest story:
The primary president told me that on Sunday, during Junior Sharing Time, all the kids who wanted to sing a part of a certain song filed up to the front of the primary room. One sunbeam got very, very upset (for some reason) and sat down on the floor, sobbing his eyes out. This sunbeam's older brother ran to the front of the room, picked his little brother up off the floor, calmed him down, and proceeded to stand next to him with his arm around him, rubbing his arm gently. She told me this story with tears in her eyes because her lesson for Sharing Time was about family love. And then I was crying because she was telling me about my sons.

And then I read Michelle's post about her sons, and I swear, I just cried a lot over the love of brothers. You can, too. Go ahead! It feels good.
On the agenda:
*Dinner with family to see my cousin off on his mission
*Trip to San Francisco with my husband for my birthday this weekend! Woot-woot!
*#2's Baptism (next Saturday)
*Vocal Point Concert (my cousin Robert is a bass!)
I believe Steph, the "Love Story" winner served in the same mission as I did - Argentina Resistencia. How do you know her?
Purely blogging, Mia. Purely blogging. :)
I met her on facebook. Hahaha.
Yay! I hope you know I didn't cheat since I only had like 3 answers. If I were going to scroll over pictures, I would hope I could come up with more than that. :)
And Hi Mia! I hope you loved your mission. A small piece of my heart is still in Misiones somewhere. :)
Steph, of course I loved my mission. I can't believe I've been home for 10 months now. Seems like yesterday I was contacting you for advice. I served in Misiones and Corrientes. Misiones was the best!
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