Good news: Brandon bought me my stroller! It came this morning! It's green, it's comfy, it's great! The exclamation points I keep using are not strong enough to portray my excitement!
Bad news: My basement looks like it belongs in Dante's Inferno and I forgot to do laundry yesterday, rendering the spousal unit disappointed because of his need for clothing.
Good news: I started the laundry and am ignoring the basement for now.
Bad news: It snowed. And it's cold.
Good news: I'm heading out with my mom and sister for a Girl's Only overnight this weekend. Huzzah!
Bad news: I criticize myself too much.
Good news: I still like myself a lot.
Bad news: #5 fell down the stairs this morning.
Good news: He came away unscathed --just scared.
Bad news: I'm constantly bursting with new ideas that never seem to come to fruition.
Good news: I'm learning patience.
This time, like all times, is a very good time, if we but know what to do with it.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:
Hooray for good news! Good luck with the bad news.
And the baby in the artwork looks as edible as the peaches! Chubby babies and fresh peaches...what a great picture. :)
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