Thursday, January 06, 2011

Brandon is Home! And other things.

Brandon is home!
And the peasants rejoiced.

I can't remember what I put in my smoothie yesterday. Or this morning. I just know it was good stuff, man. Good stuff.

I finished the cleanse, though! I was amazed at how great I felt. I was surprised at my self-control. I was elated at my digestive health (I had to put it in here. Sorry if that grosses anyone out).

I was grateful I finished the cleanse just as Brandon came home from Israel last night. He came bearing Israeli treats: dark chocolate, Baklava, dried fruit, etc. Did I partake? I most certainly partook. Baklava? From ISRAEL!? 'Nough said.

Exercising is going awesome! Here's the latest revelation that only took me 12 years to figure out:
I can exercise whenever the heck I want.

I don't have to do it in the morning. I don't have to do it before 7AM. I used to think that if I didn't get my exercising in before breakfast than I couldn't do it! Not possible! I could not do anything unless I had exercised and showered, and therefore, if I had not exercised/showered by 8AM, then what's the point? Exercising during nap time!? Why would I do a crazy thing like that!?
Sarcasm aside, I actually did exercise during the kids' nap time yesterday. I had playgroup (at my house) at 10AM, and so I threw on a pair of jeans and brushed my teeth; I was extremely presentable. After everyone left around noon and the boys had been fed and I set #5 down for a nap, I exercised. #4 fell asleep while watching me from the Love Sac. I then showered and dressed and even (gasp!) put on make-up! All after 1:30PM.

It taught me that I don't have to have a rigid schedule when exercising. I think that's what killed me before. I felt that if I didn't have a perfect schedule than what was the point? It was all or nothing. Now I realize that I have many options before "nothing" becomes one.

The Biggest Loser: Would you have taken immunity for four weeks or Bob and Jillian? Me? FOUR WEEKS. Seriously, like TBL would have provided them with trainers that sucked? I think not, dear reader. I think not.

This is the best post on motherhood, hands down. Read it. You will not regret it. And if you're not a mother, read it. You will not regret it.

I watched this today and I realized it really applies to me in many ways. I have a tendency to look back to the past when I get frustrated with my present. Truth be told, it's quite destructive. You know that song by what's their faces? "What Might Have Been?" Yeah, that's my problem. And I should clarify that unlike the video (in the link I just left), it's not just about people --it's about places we've lived, or majors I didn't major in, or jobs we didn't take, etc. We'll never know, so why do I even care, eh? (Although that cheesy end of the Little Texas video is still kind of sweet). It's better to look forward. Watch and learn:


Alison Wonderland said...

I don't understand the exercise before breakfast craze. I'd rather have a little food in my system before I try to work out. My ideal time is mid-morning, after breakfast, shortly before lunch but if it's after lunch whatevs, just get it in man.

My WV is muther, interesting no?

Amelia said...

Kind of liberating excersizing whenever. I've been doing that too more this week. Like yesterday. I did my Jillian workout (mostly) while watching the last season's finale of BL. I was disappointed in the girls. Guys? All looked AWESOME! Girls? Still fat! What the?? Ry was watching BL this seasoin and I walked by and said, "hey, that looks like Rulon Gardner if he like gained 200lbs, which he wouldn't." "Hm hon? That is Rulon." Doh. I'd totally do 4 weeks. Boxing? Outdoor stuff? My kind of workout!! Gotta get smoothy book. Doin BL on BYU-I campus with hubby. Wish me luck.

Kim said...

Did you catch there was a Daddy-daughter Team from Shelley Idaho! Crazy! I am trying my best to get this workout thing going again, not sure I can eat fabulous all the time but hey at least I can counter act it right! Glad your honey made it home safe!!!

Anonymous said...

"Elated at my digestive health" is awesome, as far as euphemisms go.

Robin said...

The Smoothie cleanse sounds like a great idea! I might need to borrow it. I totally would have chosen immunity and my husband knew who the woman trainer was the minute they showed her profile the first time. Do you know who she is? Do you want a hint?

Cheryl said...

It was actually your example that got me to thinking this way. I figured if Al can do it after breakfast, why can't I? Why can't I, indeed.

I didn't notice they were from Shelley! Holy cow! I'll have to pay more attention next time...


True. True.

YES! Please, let me know! I think I might know, but I'm really not sure. I'm dying to know who the guy is, though...