Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Day and Exercising!

1 turkey + mashed potatoes, cheesy beans, cranberry-apple-orange sauce, orange rolls, stuffing, and 3 pies = one fabulous Thanksgiving feast.
Brandon made the orange rolls and the turkey:

I ate way too much pie.
We watched the parade, football games, and movies. We visited with Brandon's dad and then went to see Brandon's grandma. We played Settlers of Catan with Isaac (one of our "boys") and Jessica (cousin of SIL dating our "boy"). We laughed, we lounged, and we ate, ate, ate.
This morning, I went walking.
Thanks to my EB (which resulted in having conversations with myself) and your fabulous comments, dear reader, I was ready to say "YES!" when my former running buddy invited me to start running/walking with her and another neighbor.
Is it early in the morning? So early.
Is it cold? Freezing!
Am I glad I'm doing it? YES!
Even though I pushed myself too hard on Wednesday and bruised my foot? Fo' shizzle.
Exercising Cheryl is back, yo'!
#5 has decided that sleeping in his own crib is overrated.
I need to nip this in the bud soon. Sooner than soon. But he's so flippin' cute and it's so easy to sleep when I just put him next to me, but I don't do well with co-sleeping. In fact, it makes me crazy...
I have so many things I want to blog about, but not much time to write them. I may have to start making some time. Because I like blogging again. Or writing? Both? Sure --both.


Alison Wonderland said...

Yay!!! I was telling Shaun last night that I was going to have trouble exercising because my motivation was gone (ie: I didn't have you to answer to) but now... We're on right?

vanilla mama said...

Hey, Cheryl, I've been reading your blog for some time and have really appreciated your frankness, your openness, and the kindness that comes through. I wanted to respond to your post on making changes and making time for exercise, etc. The comments you already got were very insightful and I don't know if you really need more thoughts, but here you go. I think there are seasons of our lives when we have to learn what to give up and what to embrace. In our fast-paced society, this has become even harder since we have so many more options for how to spend our time now.

I have four kids, including a set of twins who were thankfully #3 and #4 so at least by then, I'd learned to relax about lots of things. With the birth of each kid (or set of kids), there have been things I've needed to re-prioritize. For me, the #1 need of every mother (especially during the first year of a baby's life) is SLEEP. Whatever you need to do to get enough of it, do it. Turn on the TV for the older kids, get naps on the weekends, force yourself to shut off the computer and TV at night...I've learned the hard way that sleep deprivation really does take its toll. The #2 need is eating right, not so much to lose weight but to give you the fuel you need to feel good. I am a believer in just maintaining weight for the first several months after having a baby (especially if you have other kids to keep up with). The first year is hard enough without having to worry about losing again, my personal opinion, but I think breastfeeding really does make it harder to lose weight (believe me, I breastfed twins exclusively for 6 months, and it didn't help me burn the fat since it just increased my appetite). Then, anything else you can do for yourself is a bonus. Just call me European in my bathing habits, but I don't think a daily shower is essential. Reading scriptures while nursing or finding a few moments to pray while you're nursing can do a lot to fill the bucket. Fitting in whatever exercise you can is great (you already got lots of great ideas there). If you're still reading this extremely long comment, feel free to stop by I think you might find my post "The Math of Mothering" dated November 20, 2009 (about the fifth post down) interesting to read. Best wishes with everything. Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences.

FluffyChicky said...

That turkey looks yummy! And good job on exercising!


Anonymous said...

You know me, but I must not be in your lives now. What a horrible experience I have had to face. I have spoken to Kathy. It was like a script. Know that I love you guys and will always love your blogging. Love to talk to you. I am in the phone book.