#1 turned 8 years old on Tuesday (April 21st).
I still can't believe it's been eight years.
8 years?!
Where has the time gone? I still remember the pregnancy and her birth as if it were last week. Each day brought these crazy new experiences, and being her mother was the most insane, most wonderful, and most scary thing I had ever done. The poor thing was our practice child (still is!), but she has turned out (so far) to be just amazing.
My favorite things about #1:
Her talents --drawing, music (piano, specifically!), reciting, writing, reading, math (anything academic, actually), and being a great friend (she seriously loves and includes everyone).
Her desire to help and please --her concern for the younger kids.
Her sense of humor and her laugh.
Her maturity of knowledge and choices --she's never surprised at consequences (even if she hates them), and she tends to mill over hard choices before making a decision.
Her gorgeous hair.
Her reliability --knowing that I can rely on her to get her chores/practicing/homework done on time.
I love you, #1! Happy Birthday!

You have way cute kids Cheryl. I think she sounds a lot like my #1. What fun. It is so nice to have an older girl to help you out with everything... Hope she though her birthday was a blast. She will be most invaluable with this new baby trust me.
Happy Birthday to her!!
What a sweetie! Love the pics!
She couldn't be any sweeter or cuter.
Happy Birthday, #1!
Happy B-day to #1...she totally rocketh!
I think she looks a lot like her Mama! Happy Birthday! It was a very emotional thing for me to watch my 1st walk into the baptismal font with my husband, it was so sweet! (I was pregnant which didn't help my emotions). It is such a great thing to have an 8 year old!
Happy birthday, #1! (Make it so! Sorry, I have to say that whenever I say "#1.") She does look a lot like you. :)
Happy Birthday #1. You're the best!
P.S. we changed our blog name so you know....
I hope she had a great birthday!
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