Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hope, Brains, Romance, and a Bloggersnacker!

Hope is an amazing thing, and unified prayer and fasting creates miracles.
Stephanie and Christian are doing better, and CJane (Stephanie's sister) does a much better job of describing their improvement than I ever could (what with her being family and me being a distant pray-er).
Today, a lot of people are holding auctions (including MMW and Segullah) to raise money to help Stephanie and Christian pay for massive medical bills. It has been declared Nie Nie Day! If you would like to donate, participate, etc. go here for more details. Or, just head over to MMW and Segullah and start auctioning!
I missed the Balloon launch last week, so I'm hoping I can do something today, even if it's just more prayer. And then some more prayer.
*Update: Go to Design Mom to find more auctions! CJane is auctioning BYU football stuff, Lisa is auctioning Maroon 5 tickets, and many others are auctioning off amazing things. Go do what you can to help!
Speaking to the children:
Me, referring to the backyard: Did you guys have fun out there?
#2, in a tired voice: So fun, I lost my brain.
me: You lost your brain? What?
#2: I lost. My brain.

Yesterday morning, I went to Target, as you already know (because I couldn't find the PedEgg. Because I'm kind of slow). Whilst-a-shoppin' there, I decided to buy Brandon some PB M&M's because he loves them and I felt like being all loving towards him. Why? No reason, really. I honestly felt like being romantic "just because." I even got him a card --a really sweet love card. I left the card and the M&M's on his pillow, and then went about my day. Later, I asked Brandon to run to Costco after he finished up at the office because I was experiencing random exhaustion. He obliged, and came home with loads of groceries. When he walked in the door, he handed me a large bouquet of Sunflowers. Yes! Sunflowers for me! I haven't received flowers for while. Let's see, it hasn't been since...since...well, I know I got a rose on Mother's Day...
Anyway, can you see the irony here? Brandon and I aren't the most romantic couple even though I adore romance. We love to be together and eat out and do things for each other, but the romantic gestures of "just because" don't happen very often anymore. Like hardly ever. So the fact that we both thought of doing a "just because" piece of romance on the same day made it all that much sweeter.
You may now say "Awwwww!"
Or not. I'm okay either way. I know you love me!
I've decided I want to have a Happy Meets Crazy Bloggersnacker.
What do you think?
If it's a success, maybe we'll have more. Maybe it'll turn into a semi-annual or annual event. Maybe it will be so big, the newspapers will pick it up and the news anchors will come and we'll all be famous!
Or we could just have some fun meeting bloggers in real life.
What say you? If I was to hold a Happy Meets Crazy Bloggersnacker on a Saturday afternoon (or morning) at a park somewhere in Provo, Utah, would you be interested? Would you come? Would you rather it be bloggers only, couples only, or families? Give me your input, and I'll put it together.
Ooh, I'm all giddy just thinking about it!
Oh, and if it's a success, I promise to bring a Bloggersnacker more north for my Idaho (Fluffychicky!) and Northern Utah blogging buddies. I'm starting small first. Well, not "small", just local. You know what I mean!
Okay, so give me your input, please. Input away!


Kelly said...

Aw, why didn't we blogsnack this summer when I could have come. Oh yeah, I was a little overwhelmed.

Perchance we can snack in October!

Julie said...

I'd be there. :)

Jocelyn said...

You know I'd come!

I love that she lost her brain. My left after baby #3.

And awwwww.....

Anonymous said...

Julie stole my awwwwww. But I'll awwwwwww anyway.

I would not be interested in a Provo bloggersnacker because I would not be able to come and I would just be jealous that you were all having so much fun without me. But go ahead, if you must!

Cardalls said...

Thanks for the reminder that kindness begets kindness. sometimes i'm a little whiny in not getting the flowers and other things, but how often do i put forth the romantic gestures?? Not nearly enough!

Leslie said...

That deserves another Awwwwwwwwwwwww! Very cute of both of you and totally cool that it happened for both of you spontaneously. Very, very cool. I will be jealous whilst you are bloggersnacking.

flip flop mama said...

Awwww, how sweet.

Have fun snacking...

And hilarious what #2 said. I feel like that all the time.

FluffyChicky said...

Who says that romance is dead? Y'all are proof that it is alive and well!

And you'd better have a bloggersnacker for us northerners whether your Provo snacker is a success or not! :)

Pst...I left you something at my blog!

Randi said...

Just wanted to add my awwwwwww. I love sunflowers. For a minute there I thought I was reading sunflower SEEDs, and there was not so much awwww going on.
Flowers are way better!

Cristy said...

Aww! Jim and I don't do enough of those little things either (at least not since the first year of marriage... things got busier!) But he randomly brought me flowers on Saturday too! (Unfortunately I was not on the same wavelength so I owe him!)

I might be up for a snacker blogger deely thingy. Let me know!