The kids and I woke up nice and early Saturday morning and made good time to Idaho (3 hours, baby!). The kids watched two movies during the drive and ate their cold cereal in almost complete silence. Never underestimate the beauty of early morning driving!
When my sister and BIL finally arrived (they were running a tad late) at my parent's house, we left all the kids with some nice babysitters (2 YW from my mother's ward) and drove to Rexburg. We left my BIL to hang out with my brother, and my sister, mom and I went to a bridal shower for my baby brother's fiance. It was so much fun to finally meet her! The shower was great and we had a really good time (even if I was at least 8-10 years older than all the people there. Well, my mom, obviously doesn't count...).
After the shower we all headed back to Blackfoot (including my brother and future SIL). I had a great time getting to know her and I sure hope she doesn't think our family is crazy (even though we are crazy) and that we dislike each other (even though the weariness of the traveling day got to my sister and I and we decided to have it out a couple of times Sat. night). In-laws are always a tough situation, because it's never quite like "home", you know? No matter how nice they happen to be, it's just not the same...
Right after dinner on Saturday, we enjoyed a nice long walk. It was such great weather and fun to be outside. Afterwards, my kids and nephew played basketball with their uncle. [Photos and videos of the events are below.] After we finally got the kids in bed, we played a roarin' game of Phase 10 (okay, not really, because sis and I were bickering, we were all tired, and most of us about fell asleep during the game. This may look like my sis and I are immature to be bickering at this age, but that's just it. We are immature!).
Sunday was wonderful! 11AM church made it so much easier on us all after the busy day before. The kids did well in Sacrament Meeting and then I did something just shameful. I took #4 to nursery. Yes, I did! He's only 15 months old, but I knew he would be so much happier in a place with food and toys. They have a divided nursery, so all the kids in there were pretty much under 27 months, and there were only 3 or 4 other kids. He did so well, too! And because of that, I had the best time in church. The Sunday School lesson about Abinadi was exactly what I needed to hear. Then in Relief Society, the lesson was about the Gifts of the Spirit; another lesson I needed to hear. I was grateful for the chance I had to be able to just sit and listen, without having to shuffle about with #4 --something, I realized, I've been doing for seven years. Shuffling about, in and out, over, under, and in between with each child. I'm so tempted to see if he can go to nursery early here in our ward...Hmmm...
Anyway, after a great time at Church, we ate, we packed, we played, and we said good-bye. My sister's husband drove back with me, and we had a fabulous conversation! It was good to have someone to talk to for the long drive. It made it go by faster. The kids were super-awesome again (no potty breaks!), and they even napped. We dropped my BIL off in SLC, and arrived home before 8:30PM. Brandon had cleaned the house (he even mopped!) and he had dinner waiting for us. What a great guy. I was soooooo happy to see him!
Here are the photos:

How can you not bicker over Phase 10--that game's hard core! Skip Cheryl!
Glad you had such a lovely weekend!
Love family times...hope you said hello to Rexburg for me. I should have had you drive by my little "house" to see if everything looked okay.
And...I'm very impressed with Brandon's making it nice to come home.
What a fun trip, we waved as you passed No. Utah! :)
So your mom looks A-mazing! And I love that your nephew is picking his nose while she's reading that book! Ha ha!
Sounds like you had a fun weekend, bickering aside. :-)
Ha! Julie, I hadn't even noticed. My sister is gonna kill me!
I totally would have looked at your house! Ah, well. Maybe next time.
Did you see me waving back? :)
It was more of a "skip mom" night. She takes it too well, too!
Ah, well, the bickering keeps the spice in our lives, right? :)
I'm glad you had such a fun weekend! The pictures are great. I especially love the one with your mom and the kids. The recipe exchange is live. Can you tell me how to have comments show up all the time with a post, or is that impossible?
I once played an entire game of Phase 10 without ever getting past the first phase. Yes, I am a legend in my family.
Wow, talk about cramming it all in! Do you think we could do early-morning driving for say....13 hours as we drive to Yellowstone this summer?
Yep, I'll kill you alright! No, I can't control his all of the time. If he wants to pick his nose and I don't notice, then he gets to pick his nose! Sorry for all of the bickering. You have always known we butt heads...A LOT! Maybe next time will be less stressful.
It's so nice to know that I'm not the only "grown-up" that bickers with my sisters!
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