As you can tell, we didn't do a very good job of taking before and after shots because we forgot to. But you can still see the difference, correct? See that red shirt Brandon is wearing in the After pictures? Used to be fairly tight on his bod. That picture of all of us in the Before pictures? I'm in green and white. Blah. Granted, that was March, and I had just given birth 4 weeks earlier. Still, I didn't lose much after that. You can tell Brandon has lost the weight in his face a lot, though! Anyway, sorry for the driveling explanations. Just know that Brandon has lost almost 50 pounds, and I've lost almost 40 pounds! Brandon will get WW lifetime NEXT WEEK! I have 6 weigh-ins to go, but lifetime is the goal.
Hooray for weight loss!


P.S. Everyone forgets to take pictures of me, thus the lack of Cheryl after shots. Just keep referring to the one in the previous post, okay? Okay. :)
These two posts are so great and so inspirational! I don't have many before shots. I have totally avoided cameras during this fat time of life - but I can't wait to get some after shots posted in a few months! I am down 30 pounds with 45 to go! Maybe I will be brave and post some pix. You guys are so great for reaching your goals and inspiring others!
Have a great time in St. George!
Congratulations on making goal weight Cheryl! Your hubby too. You both look fantastic!
I'm so impressed with both of you! Looking forward to your post about your daily doings. Have fun!
You two are awesome...very inspirational! Congrats to both of you!!!
Congrats to you and your husband! You are an inspiration!
Too awesome. That is all I can say. Awesome.
Awesome job Hot Cheryl! :)
Hey, we have that picture proble, too! Lots of everyone else, none of the photographer ;). Anyway, congratulations, friend. You have accomplished something really incredible. And it shows!
Congrats to both of you!! Looking good!!
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