I have not been this thin since...well...there was a time right after #1 was born that I got into my wedding dress...it lasted 3 weeks...and then I steadily gained weight from there-on, so I don't really count it. Nope. So, I have not been this thin since I got married, people! Nine years really isn't too bad. Some wait longer to get healthy. And that's okay! As long as they are gettin' themselves healthy. Because it's important, people! Important! So, go get yerselves healthy, okay? Okay.

[The first pictures were taken in June of last year, 2 weeks before I joined WW. The last one was last night after my weigh in. I'll post some more before and after shots later --as well as some of Brandon. I promise! I just don't have the ones I want on this computer! I've gotta go find them...]
Many people have asked me what I have done to lose my gorgeous 39 pounds (hopefully 40 before long! I'm hopin' to even out at the 40 pound mark and stay there, even though my WW goal weight is at the 37 pounds-lost-mark). Many have asked what I do every day. That will make for a very long post. So, I'm going to work on it this weekend and hopefully have it for you on Monday. But if you can't wait for inspiration, go HERE, then read HERE, and finally HERE (the entire blog will inspire you!).
Why the wait, though? I'm goin' to St. George, people! We're heading down there with some fabulous, fabulous friends and won't be back until Sunday night. I'm hoping to start Spotlight Sunday again (if I have internet access this weekend!), so watch for that...
I'm so happy!
Congratulations!! You look fantastic!
YAY! YAY! YAY! Congratulations!
Wow, that's fantastic! I'm impressed.
I just started working out this week with my boys. We managed to stick to it all week, hopefully we'll continue to do so.
WOW, you look fabulous!! Congratulations on your weight loss!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Cheryl, that is awesome! I am so impressed with you. And what better way to celebrate than a weekend with friends? Have fun!
Hip-Hip Hooray! Hip-Hip Hooray! Hip-Hip Hooray!
You look mah-velous, dahling. Mah-velous!
Have a fabulous weekend in St. George!
Sorry about all the !!!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!! A huge achievement, requiring dedication, sacrifice and hard work. You look great!
Any plans for a reward at reaching this milestone?
Congrats....that is awesome (although I think you look great in the before pictures). I am eagerly awaiting your post on what you do everyday so I can have similar results as you.
You look so amazing - I can't believe I knew both of those Cheryls in one year.
Dang girl, you are one hot mama!! Awesome!!!!
Congrats! You look so good and totally different from when I saw you last. God job!
Hip Hip Hooray! Great job, Cheryl! You really do look so great and so healthy. Great job!
yay!!You look amazing!!
You both look great and so happy. I love the natural high that comes along with losing weight and feeling healthy. I can tell that you FEEL great. Can't wait to hear more inspirational tips from you. Did you see Ali (Biggest Loser) on Ellen the other day? She looked great but man she seemed a *little* too hyper and confident. hehe. oh well, she deserves to be proud of herself:)
A HUUUUUUUGE accomplishment! I hope to follow you soon!
Yippee for you! You look awesome. I'm excited to read your tips, as I am starting my own running/fitness program on May 5. I am going to run a 5k in July, I hope. Anyways, great job!
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