That's right, folks. #4 turned one yesterday! My baby is no longer a baby! He has 8 teeth, gets into everything, walks! (only wobbly steps), and has perfected the art of putting everything he sees into his mouth. His sweet smile and wonderful laugh make us all quite a bit happier, and his cries induce sounds of sympathy from everyone in the house --especially from his siblings.
I still can't believe that one year ago (on February 8, 2007), labor was induced, and 8 hours later, #4 came into this world. The pitocin was awful, but he came in 4 or 5 pushes (which automatically made him perfect in my sight). He was a sweet boy from the start --another easy child (yes, you may hate me) and had so much hair that he soon became famous. But his dark, dark hair turned light, light; luckily, the thickness has remained. Today, his daddy gave him his fourth haircut (those pictures to come later).
[side note: It's a good thing he was so mild and content. We moved from Utah to California when he was 3 weeks old! If you want to read more about that, go here, or find my February 2007 archives. I really should get more organized here on this blog and put together some topic links. But that takes time, seeing now that I've been blogging for over 2 years. Time, I tell you, is not easily attainable! Unless I stop blogging. Which won't happen! I have no self control! At all! Remember the dung beetle analogy? Exactly. But I digress...]
Here he is at birth:

Now at 3 1/2 months:

And here's the birthday boy!
Great pictures. Love all the hair!
Happy birthday!
Aw,such a cutie.
That newborn pic is so precious.
How fun! My son will be one in just two months! It's amazing how fast time flies. Happy B-day!
What a beautiful baby he is! Really- wow. Happy Birthday!
A year already! YIKES! where does the time go - before you hardly turn around he will be home from his mission! He's beautiful.
Love ya
I can't believe he's 1. I don't know about you but it has flown by for me. :-)
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