On Saturday, Brandon cut the boys' hair. They did surprisingly well, considering their hatred for all things hair. Aren't they just cute?
For some reason, our school district gave everyone the day off today. No complaints here! As you know, it was #2's birthday. Seeing how Brandon also happened to have the day off, we went on ourselves a tiny little adventure. And for those of you who will hate my pictures because it shows us livin' it up in 70 degree weather, you are allowed to hate me. But only a little. Because I'm sensitive like that.
Although #2 hates to hike, and usually complains about anything remotely active, we decided to go hiking near Mt. Diablo. It's a very easy trail that leads to a waterfall. The waterfall is about 3 miles away (a 6 mile loop). We did about...3/4 of a mile. Ummm...yeah, the kids don't know about the waterfall. Shhh! Don't tell.
"Hey, dad!? What tracks are these?"
We saw all kinds of wildlife. Okay, maybe not all kinds. We saw a hawk, a couple of squirrels, a ground squirrel or two, some turkey vultures (in the air), butterflies, and a cow pie. [Oh, and butterflies on horse manure. What was up with that?] But the flowers were pretty! And the buds on the trees were showing. Spring is here!

I made the kids stop for a nice photo shoot by a tree. #4 was on my back, so he didn't get in on it. But I managed to take a picture of him without looking! Is my talent amazing, or what?

The best part about California? Green space is literally just a few minutes from everywhere. We drove down this neighborhood, parked the car, and then fell onto the trail. If you look this way, you can see the houses nearby.

#2 decided to sing about her birthday as we hiked back to the car. I caught some of it on video:
After our amazing hike, Brandon whipped out #2's first gift of the day, and we headed to a park near our house to try it out:
Despite the small breeze, it flew!
After a nice afternoon watching movies and napping, we headed to Chili's for dinner. Since Brandon and I started Weight Watchers last summer, eating out has been very rare for our little family. But the children remembered their manners, much to this mother's delight! #2 was thrilled with the singing and free dessert she received. I was thrilled with the spoonfuls I stole!
Dinner was followed by presents and cake (like we needed more food. Whoo!):
All and all, a very satisfying day. In fact, it was better than most! Thank goodness for birthdays and outdoor adventures. And cameras. And silly children. And crazy mothers. Yay!
[P.S. For those of you still anxiously awaiting the news I am so rudely witholding for reasons that are logical but cannot be explained, I promise to let you know by the end of the week as to what is happening. So, don't hate me! Unless you live in snow right now. Then you can, because I'm expecting sunshine all week, baby! Cue the evil laughter...]
Ok, I totally know where you were. You just made me homesick!
Happy Birthday, by the way, to #2!
Those spring pictures make me giddy. We already transitioned from spring to summer this week, (even had a dip in the pool this weekend! Bwah!) so to know it is creeping up on other people makes me happy.
Very fun birthday, lucky girl.
We are loving the warm weather here (AZ) too! My son wore shorts to school today. Want to know what I love more than the warm weather? Talking to all of our relatives in Utah and rubbing it in! I'm evil that way.
Alright, enough of the love fest, here comes the hate. Grrrrrrr. Can ya feel it?!?!?!
Um, yeah, that's too much energy. I'll just be jealous instead as I drive through walls of 12 foot drifts around Park City. :)
What a fun birthday!
It looks like such a fun day! Hooray that they gave your daughter the day off from school for her birthday. That was awfully sweet.
Love the pictures. Your kids are adorable.
Beautiful pictures Cheryl! I LOVE the east bay hills and this weather.
What a fun day! I am totally loving the sunshine now too. I was getting way tired of the cold and clouds. it's beautiful today!
Great pictures! I am so jealous of your lovely weather.
I love all your pictures... especially the photo shoot ones of the kids.. SO CUTE!!! I love doing "photo shoots" ... they are so fun! :)
These pictures are so cute!!! i love them
Jessica Schuler
Looks like an awesome day and you took awesome pics! And I do hate you but just a little as I wait for 4-6 inches of snow and sub=zero temp. ;-)
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