The Bay Area is currently receiving rain. Buckets and buckets, people! Freeways and bridges down; cities without power. Water is leaking into our garage. There is so much fat rain that you can't see out the windows. And yet, I am still very happy to not have snow. I don't miss it one bit. I'm trying to figure out why. As a child, I adored playing out in the snow. Snow forts, snow men, snowball fights, sledding --it was a winter wonderland, quite literally.
Then I got old.
Now, deep in the heart of "adulthoodness", snow, other than how beautiful it looks, makes me think of coldness, ice, wet socks, mud (think "spring thaw), and grey skies. Granted, I am not a skier or an ice-skater. I just can't do it --physically or mentally. Okay, mostly mentally. But I digress.
I was told, when I moved here to California, that after spending one winter here, I wouldn't want to go back. As far as weather is concerned? I totally agree.
Do you love snow?
Do I love snow?
Good Heavens NO!!
i don't like snow that much eaither.
No way! That's why I live 5 miles from the ocean in southern California. No snow here unless I choose to drive to it! :) I have a motto: If it's too cold for a long sleeve shirt and a sweat shirt, it's too cold.
I like the first couple of snowfalls but I am bored with it already. I really hate the cold.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the snow! I can't believe how much I miss it! I love to shovel snow, drive in snow, make snowmen, throw snowballs, sledding and everything else.
It has snowed twice since we have been here...but it didn't stick either time. I am hoping to drive to Mt Hood next weekend for a day of sledding with the kids!
I was born and raised in California... and am now just outside of Chicago. I watched the temp on my car go to negative 1 the other day. Who knew cars did negatives?!
Snow - pretty. On the day it's snowing. While you're inside watching it. In front of a fire. Warm.
Next day... and day after... until it melts... ucky. Umm, yeah, it's a word.
HATE HATE HATE snow. I've been in Texas 10 years and do not miss snow EVER! I will never go back to Idaho in winter again unless someone dies.
Okay, I have to confess. I do like snow when I'm inside by a fire (like katie said) and I do like standing outside, at night-time, in my parent's drive-way, watching (like sexy housewife) the snowflakes sparkle like diamonds in the street-lamp and I can't hear a sound because the snow muffles everything. I do like that. I like that a LOT.
I just don't like the shoveling, the mud, the cold (and I'm always cold anyway), the icy roads (although I'm an expert at driving on them), and the wet clothes kids bring in. I guess it's like I said: As a kid, snow rocks! (that make you a kid, Amanda! But it's a good thing! I envy your snow excitement.) But as a parent, snow is too annoying.
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