If you look at me (the second from the left) and DH (1st on the Left) taken about 6 months after we married, you will notice a few things. First, we are smiling. Oh, how sweet! Then second, you will notice that my brother was leaving on his mission for New Zealand. Oh, how sweet! Then you see how incredibly THIN we are --Oh, HOW SWEET! Now look at this picture:

This one was taken at my 10 year reunion last month...
Someday, I will be first-picture-thin again. Okay, I'm not stupid --I know that having children have changed my shape for eternity (well, until the glorious resurrection! Can't wait for that, baby!) and that it is insane to think that I'll be perky and non-saggy in the middle area unless I get some expensive work done, but, at the same time, I can still weigh the same, you know?
So, Weight Watchers started a week ago. DH and I are doing pretty good. The first week is always hard; and we had two barbeque/picnics to attend this weekend. Talk about pressure and temptation! But we had some little victories, so we're doin' all right.
This morning, a friend and I walked 4 miles!! We're doing it again tomorrow. I'm glad I finally found a friend that not only can consistently walk with me each morning, but can do it early (6AM, people!), for an hour, kicks my butt (but I'm not too slow for her), and is motivating (we're going to run a 10K!). Hooray!
Since I've never met a weight goal before, this is hard for me. Anybody out there have some success stories? (besides my awesome mother who lost close to 40 pounds in 5 months!!)
No success stories, DH and I are one of those few couples we know who haven't gained weight since we got married.
My only advice is to not try to lose it all too quickly. It's easier to keep the weight off if you lose it 1-2 pounds a week. Good Luck!!!
Good for you! I seriously don't think that you look bad in your now photo. It's kinda hard to tell in your before photo. I don't know if that's a good thing to say or not but I like your now photo better- you look very stylish! Keep up the good work! After this baby I want to get ready to do a HALF marathon in June 08. I'm really excited about it.
Good luck with weight watchers. Are you doing it online or are you going to meetings? I did it online for a while after #3 was born...it worked! I lost 19 pounds, but I then stopped doing the program. I still need to lose another 30-40. I had lost about 6 pounds at the beginning of the summer but it has come back. Good luck! When is the 10K you are doing? Keep in mind that all the things that you do (ie. vacuuming and pulling weeds, etc) add up in the calorie dept. If you do it online you can type in your minutes and earn extra points. From vacuuming!
Don't take it to seriously! If you have a bad day, just remember that tomorrow is another chance to do better!
You're so nice! I have to give credit for the outfit to my aunt carrie over at tales from the crib...she was my personal shopper for a few days back in March. :)
The 10K is in Pleasanton (CA) sometime in September.
I love the advice so far! And Jamie, that is NOT something I need to hear right now... :) Just kidding! I'm glad someone is at wedding weight. :)
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