Holy Cow! I've had so many people telling me they are checking my blog to see how I did on the 5K and when I'll be back from Canada. That's great! But wouldn't even be better if all you people left comments on my blog so I knew you were actually reading? Yes! That would be awesome!!
Okay, okay....if you haven't already figured it out, I am back from Canada. But we'll get to that later. First, here is the synopsis of the race:
J and I arrived at Thanksgiving Point and our hubbies with our kids were coming later. They bused us up to the starting line and the race actually started almost 30 minutes late. No biggie, but we were so nervous as it was, and waiting around was not helping, people!! Just before the race did start, they released beautiful doves in memory of all the babies and lost loved-ones the runners had lost. For more about that...go here. Then the race started.
Off we went, running through the gorgeous gardens and trying not to run people over or get run over ourselves. The racers finally spread out, and we maintained our comfortable running speed. At a few points in the race I would say "J, tell me a story!" to keep me going, and she would do the same to me. Luckily, 5K's are really not that long, and so it was over pretty quick....
The best part was coming around the corner with .1 miles to go and seeing our kids and our fabulous husbands with the cameras flashing. J and I were choking back tears as we finally crossed the finish line (our time was approx. 37:15).
It may seem silly to some people that two grown mothers would be crying over 3.2 miles. I mean, it's not even close to the marathons that my cousins do. But for us, it was probably one of the biggest hurdles we have ever jumped over. We're already planning our next goal!
P.S. Picture --J is on the left and I'm in the hot red pants.. :)
CANADA....well, I'm going to have to do a different blog on that one, because there are so many details about our vacation...stay tuned for that one....it may even be tonight!
Congratulations! I've seriously been checking like every day to find out how your 5K went and if you got back from Canada. I'm so glad it went so well and that you had a great empowering experience. I wish I could've been there to root you on!
You are awesome! Thanks for the encouragement. I can't wait to see you later this month...
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