Thursday, September 18, 2014

This mid-September

Road construction is a must, I know, but it's frustrating when it's on your small, country-ish road that has no sidewalks. It's also frustrating because you never know if you'll have access to your Kindergartner's bus-stop (blessedly, he's the only one who gets off at our stop, so the bus driver looks for me and is more than willing to go down about 30 yards before stopping). But it's a small price to pay for smoothly paved roads come wintertime! Which has me looking at our own driveway with much trepidation...

(at the bus stop)

I'm patiently awaiting the arrival of a spectacular PA Autumn. Last year, we arrived just after it was ending (we had a lot of leaves to rake!) and so my anticipation is not being satiated by all of this green!

I see some yellow here and there, but I'm anxious for some reds and oranges, dear reader. I can't bust out the pumpkin desserts and the scented candles until I see something! I did decorate for Autumn, though. It couldn't be helped. I may bake pumpkin cookies this weekend just for the sheer joy of it! (Although, if I'm being honest, pumpkin everything is welcome all year for me. Especially if it has pumpkin and chocolate!)



All back-to-school events, open houses, teacher meetings, etc. and so forth are complete! I am once again grateful for the wonderful education my kids are receiving, here. I'm impressed with the culture that permeates the district with teacher/parent communication and the desire/expectation for all students to reach their potential. Yes, this means a lot of work on my part, but an hour or so of homework supervision each school night doesn't bother me because A. my older two are completely independent and I just answer questions or lead them to solutions and B. what I do with my younger three is mostly sign things and read to/with them.

 Here's an update on the kiddos:

#1: She is rocking 8th grade, plans on joining student council and art club, and seems to be finding her niche. I love watching her interact with her sister now that they are at the same school again! And, as always, she is amazing when it comes to looking out for her brothers.

#2: She has transitioned to middle school rather well (6th grade), but she's decided against extra-curriculars. She might participate in 6th grade intramurals in the Spring, but until then, she's focusing on school because of the Gifted Program (I'll call it GP). Aside from the big module project for GP and missing other classes for GP (while still having to make up the work), she is also in Algebra (only 3 or 4 6th graders have been allowed to take it). But she's finding her groove and will do well!

(silly selfie)

#3: He is loving being at the "top" of elementary school (5th grade). His Misophonia is not stopping his progress, and the school has been great at accommodating any needs he has in that area (headphones, testing alone, leaving the classroom, etc.). He and I had a pretty big war over homework the first day, but we quickly settled into a groove and he's off to a wonderful start! I really hope that he'll continue to improve and do well. He has confidence, and it really helps.

#4: Ah, sweet 2nd grade! It's a good place for him and he doesn't worry me too much. He's more than happy to finish his homework and the truth is, he's always been that way --he's anxious to learn and to do a good job. Like his sisters, he's very independent when it comes to his homework. His spelling and handwriting are impeccable! I'm proud of him.

#5: Kindergarten! I was worried he might be in over his head, because he wasn't very prepared (my fault), but you know what? Neither was #4 and he's doing well. #5 had a rough start (not wanting to go to school, not willing to get ready, etc.) but he's doing wonderful, now. He's made some good friends in class, already, and he's happy to tell me about what he's done at school each day. Even his behavior at home has improved over the last few weeks, and I realize it had more to do with his anxiety of starting school than anything else!

#6: We hang out at home. He's my errand buddy, my chore buddy, and my schnuggle buddy. He currently loves trains, Dora, books, and sticks. I really should cut his hair, but it's so cute!

(My baby bump)

#7: She's growing! I'm 19 weeks on Saturday, so I'm almost half-way there. I'm still exhausted, but my appetite has come back a bit more, as well as energy.

How is your September going, dear reader?


Amanda D said...

Love the update. Don't cut the youngest boys hair - it's adorable! And he's young enough to get away with long-ish hair.

My oldest is 8th grade and in the advanced math program, and is taking algebra. I can't imagine trying to deal with algebra with a 6th grader.

Happy fall!

Cheryl said...

Ash is also in algebra in 8th grade! It's kind of weird for her to have Nic in it, too, although they are not in the same class. Truth is, it hasn't affected me at all! She's enjoying it quite well and it's a good thing --I can barely help the 5th grader with his math! He usually goes to Nic for help. :)