Saturday, May 28, 2011

Post #1,236

First day of summer break and the kids woke up early. Of course. That's the irony, eh?

Did you know there's gonna be (or is already?) a Law and Order: UK!? It starts in June on BBC America and I might just have to record that series. Sometimes I wonder why I don't just make Brandon get a job over there and move us all to Surrey. Or York. Then maybe I could start living those dreams and find that I don't really like it and wish for the USA and rue the day I ever made us move. Because, although I'm quite the optimist, that's usually how it works out for me. But then, maybe not! Maybe it would be the best thing, ever. Ever, ever! All my dreams could come true! Brandon, you listening? Start applying in the UK! I'd even go to Scotland, man.

One week from today we will be flying to Kauai. If anyone has been there, you will understand my joy and feelings of anticipation. Of course, if you have never been there, I'm guessing you will still understand my joy and feelings of anticipation because, honestly, most people would feel joy and anticipation at going to Hawaii. This is just a universal truth. When most people think of "Hawaii," they think of paradise, and they are very correct. Of course, some people don't want to go to Hawaii; they would rather hang out on a glacier, but I think it's safe to assume that most people would like to visit an island paradise in their lifetime.

We've been to Hawaii several times (thanks to work reward trips years ago). This will be our fourth time to Kauai, my first to Oahu (Brandon's second), and our fifth trip all around (we went to Maui once). Kauai is, by far, our favorite island, but I have to admit I wouldn't mind seeing Maui again. I have a hankerin' to see the Big Island, too, of course. The live volcano fascinates me!

The beaches, of course, are fantastic, and we love to snorkel (Brandon loves to scuba, too), but I think the reason we love Kauai so much is because of the wilderness. There is so much hiking to do! Empty forests and secluded trails. One part of the island (Na Pali) is completely impassable by car, there are fewer residents, fewer tourists (although I'm guessing that's changed, what with Kauai rockin' the world and everything), and so less pollution than Oahu, and the beaches are definitely not as crowded.

Anyway, sufficeth to say, we love it and I'm excited.

Agenda for today:
1. Chores
2. Finish up Sunday School lesson
3. Wedding reception
4. Plan Memorial Day activities

That's not bad, eh? And with my hubby around, it will be much, much easier.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend, dear reader!


FoxyJ said...

Hey--we're flying to Hawaii a week from today also :) I'm jealous of you though because you don't have to take a toddler with you. I'm already mentally preparing myself for the trip. I actually hope you are not on your flight so you can have a good time.

Kevin and Lisa said...

Someday I might convince Kevin that we NEED to go to Hawaii. Maybe if you post some beautiful hiking/waterfall/seclusion pictures I might get him on board. He'd rather visit Europe. Have a fabulous trip! And yes, I'm totally jealous.