Thursday, November 11, 2010

Survey, Clarification, Cabinets, and Veterans!

For all of you mothers (and soon-t0-be mothers) out there, take a few minutes to do this, please! It's from Brandon's classmates:
In connection with our project for MGMT 806, our team is doing a market survey to gain a better understanding of the eating habits and nutritional awareness of pregnant (or recently pregnant) women. If you fall into this category, please take a few minutes to fill out our survey or if you know someone who does (e.g. your wife, friend, family member), please forward the link along:

We ask that responses are completed by 11/17.

Thank you for taking the time to help us out.

Katie, Prashant, Taylor, and Amy

So, have at it, mommies!

My sweet mother called me the other day and asked, "Cheryl, what can we serve at Thanksgiving dinner? Can we still have turkey?"
I laughed and said, "Mom, you make everything you would like to make. Please don't think you have to change anything to accommodate my new diet."

She just wanted to make sure I would be okay with the traditional food (isn't she so awesome?!). I clarified to her that although I might make different food choices, I'm not in the market of forcing other people to eat like me.

My SIL and her boyfriend are good examples of this. At our enormous yearly camp out this year, they brought a lot of their own food. They never made a big deal out of it, and they weren't exclusive. Jason (the boyfriend) said to me once:
"Being vegan isn't about what you can't eat --it's about what we choose to eat."

I've never forgotten that. But it makes me realize that some people are weirded out by other people's food options. I think Mormons should be the first people to understand this. How many times have LDS people had to say "no, thank you" to alcohol and coffee? I don't see why my desire to say "no, thank you" to processed food, meat, and dairy would somehow be translated into offense.

So, to clarify: Nobody has to change their diet. I'm just sharing the changes I've made. I am excited about the things I've discovered and I want to share them, but I'm not delusional enough to think that everyone will feel the same way or be as excited as I am. Do I want the whole world to know about it? Do I think the whole world would benefit from this knowledge? HECK. YES. But I also know that health (along with many other things) is a process. Coming to the decision of how to be healthy is part of this mortal journey --it's just another step in the right direction.

So, now I'm thinking about staining my kitchen cabinets. Maybe getting new hardware. If I do this, though, I have to re-think the color I wanted to paint the kitchen wall.

What to do, what to do...

This is for all of those Veterans out there! Technically, my brother is not a veteran --yet. But he's a soldier, and I'm proud of him.

The sacrifice these men and women (and their families) have made is immeasurable. Thank you!


Big D said...

Technically I am a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Cheryl said...

Ah! I didn't think of that --thanks for the clarification, little brother. :)