Monday, January 11, 2010

Current Crazy Events

So much to blog about. No time, no time, no time! Man, I haven't even posted Christmas pictures, yet. Sheesh.

*Brandon started his new job today.
*#1 needs glasses. For all-the-time. One eye is far-sighted and the other is near-sighted. Kind of cool! Brandon and figured all of our kids are going to need braces and glasses, so we're not surprised.
*I am surprised, however, that I need reading glasses. But when I saw those letters at the end of the room through my new prescription? Whoah, Nelly! Yeah, I need 'em.
*I am so excited about the overwhelming response to The Biggest Loser challenge of mine. I'll blog more about that tomorrow (when I weigh in again!), but I had to say thanks. You guys are troopers!
*I love this website so much. You already knew that, I know.
*I am potty-training #4! So far, no success. Sigh...
*Next week, I will begin sleep-training #5! No more co-sleeping for you, buddy-boy...

Interesting Stuff:
*We went to San Francisco this last weekend for a Wharton family event. It was a whirlwind of crazy, lots of driving, lots of visiting with friends/family/classmates, many bathroom stops, and awesome food. We loved every minute!
*Everyone in Brandon's class thinks I'm amazing. They do! I was repeatedly bombarded (graciously) with accolades of compliments over our children. Things like "How do you do it? How is it possible? You are so amazing! You are so young!" are still ringing in my ears. Of course, it helped that the children were incredibly well-behaved all weekend. That was an answer to many prayers, dear reader. Their behavior has now solidified in my mind that a lot of kids does not automatically equate craziness. And in the mind of most in the city of SF, eh?
My answer to some of their questions: You do what you have to do. I stay home with my children. Each one was a choice. I love being a mom. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
One person thought I was 28 years old!
I really liked her.
*I love the Bay Area. So very much.

Love and Marriage:
On Saturday, Brandon and I will celebrate 11 years. I wish we were celebrating it like we did last year, but that would be asking a bit too much, dontcha think?


Julie P said...

You should own amazing! Really. Five kids - wow. Five kids in 8 years? Triple wow.

I miss the Bay Area, too. So very much.

Alison Wonderland said...

I love you.

Just thought I'd mention it.

Cardalls said...

you are amazing! many people think i'm crazy for having 5...a few say i'm amazing. i think i'm more crazy ;)

Anonymous said...

You are amazing. I'm glad even strangers gave you the recognition you deserve.

FluffyChicky said...

You are such an awesome Mama!

And Happy Upcoming 11th Anniversary!

Judi said...

KUDOS to you, Brandon, and your 5kids! You are amazing and so are they. I wish I could have had 5 kids, but I think the good Lord knew I was a two kid wife/mom! Congrats on the anniversary! We will be married 20 yrs on the 20th and Robert will be 19 on the 15th! January is a great month!
Congrats to Brandon on the job. How does he like APX?