Monday, January 25, 2010

Another Random Monday...

Good news: I've lost 6 pounds!

Bad news: I lost it because I've had the stomach flu for two days.

Not a good way to lose weight. I don't recommend it. AT ALL.

I'm feeling a need to purge my home. Clean it. Organize it. Go through everything and throw out the junk. The other day, on a whim, I took down my front-room curtains and washed them, as well as dusted the blinds.
What crazy thing will I do next?

I've decided that making decisions is hard. Really hard. Even simple things like "what should we have for dinner?" to more complex ones like "should we move to Japan?"
Just kidding about the Japan thing.
But really, life is tough. It's even more tough when you suddenly are married, and decisions you make take two to agree. Then, almost immediately, you have all these kids who depend solely upon you and your spouse to make decisions for them. It's pressure!
And exhausting, you know?

I love lilacs. The scent, the look, the memory. Just so you know.

So, I'm turning 31 next month. I haven't had a chance to really think about impending 30th last year was awesome! Celebrations galore! This one? Eh. It's just another birthday. Weird how it changes like that.

I saw this on Julie P's blog and I'm putting here because I think it looks fabulous! My dear friend Jessica C. lived among the Himba in Namibia for 3 weeks this last summer, so it was fun to see them featured. But what I loved the most about this trailer is the universal truth that despite the different cultural backgrounds, babies are the same. And when they are loved, it is movingly apparent:


Mother of the Wild Boys said...

Sorry about the flu. :P
You can dust blinds?! My poor blinds are so neglected. :)
Exhausting pressure...right there with ya.
Lilacs, huh? I'll have to remember that.
Your 30th was the awesomest! I still think your 31st should be fun...I have a few ideas...hmmm.
I HAVE TO see that Babies movie!!!!

Julie P said...

Feel better. The flu sucks.

We donated an entire minivan full of bags to DI so far this year. And I'm not done yet!

Judi said...

sorry you all are sick...i found what you lost (almost)..bad two weeks for me...need to get back on track, though i am stressed terribly right now...need to resist!
i love this clip. saw it at the movies last week. can't wait til it come out i want to see it!

Stephanie said...

I love that baby clip!! I could just see my two kids doing that to each other (and "saying" the same thing).

Making decisions IS hard and exhausting. Even when I'm making seemingly minor decisions like whether to give my toddler cheerios or applesauce for a snack, I find myself wondering what the long term consequences of that decision are going to be. Am I teaching her proper eating habits? etc.

I hope the flu wasn't too bad at your house and didn't involve too much carpet cleaning/scrubbing!!!

TaLaisa said...

I think I may have found at least a few of your lost pounds. This has been a crummy week on my effort. I'm not looking forward to sending you my picture tomorrow night. But I will.

I'm 31 and 16 days. It's pretty good so far.

I'm in a decluttering phase at my house. Do you need any little boy clothes? Toys? Craft Beads?

Decision making is Hard. By golly I'm glad you said that, I was beginning to think I was wasting my sleep worrying about decisions all by my lonesome.

I the whole bunch of you get better quickly. Stomach bugs are no fun at all.

Emily & Co. said...

THANKS for sharing the baby clip!