Monday, August 31, 2009

To Come

Today #3 started Kindergarten. His favorite parts: Apple Juice and Playground Time.

Yesterday, we blessed #5 in Sacrament Meeting. Memorable parts: No Microphone and Finding Blessing Pictures of #4 on the Camera.

Saturday we had a successful day of hanging curtains, fixing faucets, comforting friends, welcoming family, and going to Mozy's work party. Highlights: What I Just Listed.

This week:
Roomie reunion, work meeting, piano lessons begin, possible trip up north.

Pictures to come!

Love and Gratitude to you, dear reader! I'm grateful for amazing friends and family that truly care about my well-being and my emotional health. It means the world to me. Brandon and I have also been contacted by some more family and friends who have offered their support and advice, and we spent a long time this last weekend discussing the possible routes for me to take. We've made some decisions, but I won't discuss them quite yet --I'll let you know about most of it at a later time.

Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door.
~Emily Dickinson


Judi said...

the blessing for #5 was beautiful! So glad I was there and that your hubby has a loud strong voice. Gald to see you at the carnival the other night! thinking of you! and praying for you too!

Amanda D said...

When my daughter was in kindergarten she didn't have playground time. I'm glad your son does!

I'm glad to hear that #5's blessing went well. Also glad to hear that you have had the support that you have needed.

Stephanie said...

We are going North this weekend. Baptism of a niece and the promise of free babysitting for our anniversary. Call me if you go, because I'd love to see you.

FluffyChicky said...

Hooray for first days of kindergarten and baby blessings!