Yep. That's my beautiful tree in the backyard, weighed down to almost the breaking point with snow. The streets are slushy and icy, and the skies are a gorgeous blue. Ironically, even with my snow hatred, I couldn't' help but see how peaceful and beautiful (and quiet) it made the world --and the sun shining on the ice crystals...well...you know what I mean. I appreciated the beauty. And now that it's melting, I'm appreciating it even more.
But here's hopin' the roads are clear all the way to our destination tonight!
Yesterday I wrote about how I get obsessed with music. However, most of those CD's are in the car. So, when I'm in the house and I need to clean said house or make dinner or need a break or need to wind down or need to stop myself from selling the children, I turn on some music. Sometimes it's Pandora, but usually I just go to my friend's photography website and listen to the same Enya songs over and over and over (I used to just turn on a Jane Austen movie --that was an obsession for about a year, dear reader. I swear, I'm like a 3 year old who will only eat mac & cheese and watch the same movie 547 times in a row!).
My new favorite Enya song (I have been a fan of Enya since the days we "Sail(ed) Away" together) is Wild Child.
And since I love you, dear reader, here is a video with the song (the video's pretty, but nothing amazing--just listen to the song). The lyrics are awesome and they always lift me up out of the depths of my sort-of despair. From the very first line ("Ever Close Your Eyes?"), I'm drawn into the song and the music.
It rocks my world. Or soothes it. Whichever I need at the moment.
What song, lately, has meant a lot to you, or lifts you up out of your sort-of (or real) despair?
What song, lately, has meant a lot to you, or lifts you up out of your sort-of (or real) despair?
Oh, and have a great weekend! See you on Monday...
Hey Cheryl...have you missed me?
I have no idea how to answer your question because music plays such a big role in my life. I have been listening to lots of George Dyer lately (LDS tenor) and loving the beautiful peace in songs that are about the Savior.
Have a fun spring break!
i'm currently obsessed w/ jason mraz ... specifically this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zut0TznmSu0
is it just me or is he super sexy?
Lately I'm a big fan of JoDee Messina's "Bring on the Rain". Too bad Pandora won't play it over and over.
Enya's really wonderful, isn't she? You know the rest of her family is in the band called Clannad? If you don't know them, check them out.
Trying to think of what song I've been stuck on lately...and it's this:
Not exactly uplifting, but it cracks me up.
I like my music with variety. I don't really get stuck on a song or a band for too long. Except Weezer's Red album. If one of the songs comes up on my random play then I usually stop to listen to the whole album. I do love Enya though.
Ahhh Enya. One of my favorite memories is when my friend Lori bought a brand-new Probe and we cruised the Alpine Loop listening to it.
And all that snow? Thanks. It got send our way. :-)
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