Monday, February 09, 2009

Tonight just before bedtime...

me: #4, please lie down so I can change your diaper.

#2: It was just like yesterday that I was in diapers. The years go by so fast. ~Sigh~

It's good to know my soon-to-be Six year old enjoys reminiscing. About diapers.

UPDATE: Holy cow! Her top tooth just fell out, too. What a crazy day...
(yes, her pajamas are on backwards. And inside out.)


Cardalls said...

that is hilarious! i love the inside out/backwards jammies. my 7 year old always wants to wear his shirt backwards to school...whatever floats your boat child!

flip flop mama said...

Ahhh, diapers. What memories! LoL

Mother of the Wild Boys said...

#2 cracks me up, she's such a little funny girl!