Monday, February 09, 2009

Just so you know...

...Five year olds (six on Wed!) are completely capable of making and serving lunch while their mother lies wiped out on the couch.


Annette Lyon said...

I KNOW! Why didn't anyone tell me that with my oldest? I figured it with #3 and #4--but mostly because I've gotten lazier.

Jocelyn said...

Impressive! I'll remember that when I have an almost 6 year old. I commit to learning from you!

flip flop mama said...

Wohoo! I'm totally remembering that one.

Cheryl said...

Granted, it was a "snack" lunch and consisted of granola bars, string cheese, fruit snacks, fruit leather, apples, and gogurt. But it's still food, so it worked!

Anonymous said...

Lol! Sad but true!