In the car on the way to meet Brandon at the hike:
#1: Hey, mom! I can see the "G"!
me: You guys wanna hike the "G" sometime?
#2: Is it like the "Y"?
me: Yeah.
#2: Well, if I can hike the "Y", then I can hike the "G"!
me: Yes! That's the attitude I need! High five!
We hiked Battle Creek Falls in Pleasant Grove on Mt. Timp (please notice #2's pants that she accidentally put on backwards, haha!):

This is my nephew. His name is Josh.
So, on Saturday afternoon, about fifteen minutes before the babysitter showed up, my BIL suddenly noticed #3 and Josh in the backyard. And he yelled. And ran. Fast. We all went to the door to see what was the matter, and we saw the boys with their pants and underwear pulled down. Dan, having picked up Josh, was stifling extreme laughter. What could be so funny, you might ask? Josh pooped in our pond.
Now you must know, we have a pond. It's small, it's man-made, it's next to a tree. It's also empty right now --there are some large rocks in it, some dirt, and an occasional small pool of water, due to rain and sprinklers. And yes, I let the children play in said hole. I'm all about the adventure-part of their childhood. Anyway, this pond must have had "Come poop in me!" written all over it, because that's what my nephew did. Oh, yes, dear reader. And my sister was mortified and horrified (that's possible, right?).
How that kid balanced carefully enough to get his defecation into that pond/hole was beyond all of us; the fact that we stopped it before #3 tried it is nothing short of a miracle.
I made Brandon clean it out. He used a shovel; the kid's purple shovel, and then he threw the shovel away. Josh got a time out, and as we left for our dinner-date, we laughed heartily at Josh and his unpredictability. It was awful, yes, but it was also hilarious.
Seriously, kids make for the best stories.
Why weren't we invited on your hike? :)
We went for a walk Sunday night and the 2 older kids ran ahead to the house. We were still a few houses away. When we got there, #2 was peeing on the tree in our front yard. Lovely. I told him next time he had to at least go in the backyard!
Gotta love kids!
Um lol! You're nephew must have quite the personality. ;p
As for your hike, I miss the mountains terribly. Hiking to the Y, to Stewart falls, biking to Bridal Veil and so forth
Sounds like something one of my kids would have done. I would've been horribly embarrassed too! But it's really funny when it's someone else's kid.
That is hilarious. I had to teach Chloe the ol' squatteroonie a few weeks ago while walking at USU. It wasn't pretty. I'm glad it was only urinating -- I don't think I could've handled the poo.
The hike sounds wonderful. I love all your pictures.
Pooping in the empty pond...priceless! :-)
I'm thinking it probably would have been worse if he pooped in a full pond. Maybe?
Fun hiking trip picks--I especially love #2's backwards pants! My girls will sometimes put their underwear on backwards. How do they not notice?
Ooooo, where is that hike? We need another easy hike for the kids...
And yea, can't beat a good poop story! They always make for a great blog entrey...
Truth be told, I actually thought about calling you guys!
Definitely worse if there had been water, no doubt about it!
It's really close; look up Battle Creek Falls --it's in Pleasant Grove up against the front of Mt. Timp. It's only 1/2 mile or so one way. Steep in some parts, but definitely worth it!
Those pictures are gorgeous! And I love the video...I must point out my favorite parts: #2's plumber's crack (those dang backward pants), and Brandon's sassyness. My DH makes a similar silly face when I point the camera at him, so I was already laughing... and then he did the "hello". LOL :D
As if that wasn't enough laughing, I could barely stay on my chair whilst reading about Josh and #3!! Haa haa
Good call throwing away the purple shovel too. ;)
Oh, thank you for sharing. What a funny boy he is. You must be so proud to be his aunt!! ;0) Really, I'm not too embarrassed at the moment.
We will need to go on one of these hikes with you sometime. It's a healthy hobby to pick up.
Yay! I'm glad you loved the video. And the fact that you know Josh personally makes this situation that much funnier, doesn't it? :)
I love ya', sis. And I'm glad you're not too embarrassed! We'll hike sometime together, btw...
what a beautiful hike - i loved that #2's pants were backwards - how nice would it be to just not care?? lucky girl!
poo in the pond...yep, still laughing!!
That is SO funny!! Seriously what an awesome kid!!
P.S. Ive lived in UT for 5 years and I've never hiked the "Y" : / oops!
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