Yeah, you heard me.
The kids and I are going to Idaho this weekend (Sat/Sun) to visit my folks, but more importantly, to meet my future SIL! One fabulous bridal shower, along with some intense sisterly teasing, and I'll have myself a nice weekend.
What? What was that? Why is Brandon not coming? Well, you can ask him. Maybe he'll tell you in the comments. He claims it's because he needs to work on our house (the one that's falling apart), and perhaps get some work done, and maybe have some alone time without "work" work and "family" work and all that other workity-worky-work-work going on. He claims these things.
And I believe him. Because he's just so darned cute! How could I not? Just look at this face. Look at it! Wouldn't you believe him, too? I thought so...

Anyway, so I'm headed to Idaho. If you live in southeastern Idaho and would like to visit/meet/greet yours truly, drop me a comment. I don't have much time, but I'll see what I can do. I'm all about the friendships, people!
OH! And I'll do Spotlight Sunday this weekend. Who will it be? You know you're going crazy wonderin' if it's about you! And it could be, you could be...
I just realized, dear reader, that this is my 482nd post. Holy. Cow.
So, I was thinking that perhaps, for my 500th post (FIVE HUNDRED POSTS?! I'm surprised I have had that much to say. Okay, not really, because I always have something to say. Yeah, you know I do, dear reader. You know it!) I would do a fabulous give-a-way! YES!
But I have no money for give-a-ways. Nor talents (piano lessons would be hard to give away). Nor do I have connections in high places.
Well, I have 18 more posts to think about this. Hopefully I'll come up with a good give-a-way. In the meantime, you got any ideas? Lay 'em on me! I mean, hey, if you win it, wouldn't you want it to be something you like? Exactly. So give me some ideas. I'm all about stealing other's ideas. Unless you give them to me, and then they won't be stealing! Yes!
Hey, I live in south east Idaho! And of course you decide to come to Idaho on one of my most busy weekends in months. I'm not sure if that is a coincidence or not...hmm... :)
Have a fun weekend!
i am TOTALLY jealous you are going to Idaho! I could use me some good idaho air about now :)
About the thought is that since you are big on kids books...give away one or two of your fav kids books - i LOVE kids books. Maybe it is because I am still a kid :) ha ha!
Have fun in Idaho and tell your mom hi from me!
congratulations on 482 posts! That is amazing! How are liking the Marie Curie book? My SIL gave it to me to read but I haven't started it yet.
Have fun with the potatoes -- they might be in blossom -- that's a beautiful sight, isn't it?
482 posts? You mean we have to go that far? Does this mean I'm into blogging seriously? I can't quit? Nahhhh....I'm having too much fun with it. When you pass Rigby, wave for me.
WOW! Almost 500 Posts? Way cool.
Have fun on your trip! Be safe.
I can't even imagine 500 posts right now.
I think you should give away books--ones that you've already read, but are good enough to share. You're like recycling and saving money (by not spending any!) and promoting literacy all at the same time. Plus we all like books, right?
Yes...books = sweet give away.
Enjoy Idaho for me while I enjoy the sunshine for you!
Why do I need to stay? Good question. I think it's been for about three different reason at some point or another:
1. Stake conference... we have a new stake president (our former bishop) who I think is going to do some serious "shaking up" of things in a very motivating and spiritual way. He is just amazing and he has basically extended personal invitations to every member of the stake to attend all of the sessions. (yes, honey, this is a guilt trip... but I will take really good notes for you, so I'm attending for you in proxy)
2. Work on the house... nothing has really been done since we moved back, and that sucks. I thought this would be a great weekend (sans wife, kids, etc.) to get a lot of stuff done, so that was one of my original excuses.... but now I think it's going to be...
3. Work work. My visit to N.C. was very productive, but I have a large Statement of Work (SOW) to complete this weekend, as well as a Project Implementation Plan (PIP) to complete for our internal tracking, as well as about 80 work emails I need to catch up on because this single project has consumed me for the last three days, and I've ignored all the rest of my emails from other clients, colleagues, etc.
So, that is why I am letting my wife and kids leave for the weekend.
Hopefully our date last night lessens the "sting", but I'm already really looking forward to our next date this coming Friday because last night went by too fast!
Aw, man, he's cute!
He's very cute. :)
I actually haven't started the book yet --it should be in the mail tomorrow! I'm looking forward to reading it; I've heard it was good.
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