[Just for your info, dear reader, the reason I do so many catch-up photos is three-fold: 1. My parents and grandparents appreciate it --they are always reading! 2. This blog is my journal and scrapbook both, because I am lazy like that. 3. You are entertained by them, no?]
#1 had her radKIDS "performance" earlier this month. Since we moved in at the end of the school year, she didn't get an entire year to do the program. But she still learned a lot and they let her be in in the circle showing her moves. I think this whole concept is a great idea! In fact, a couple of years ago, radKIDS helped a couple of girls escape their would-be abductor here in the Provo area. The girls used the skills they had learned while in this program. Awesome! Anyway, here's a video:
#1 got a Pteri kit from school, so on Saturday, we put it together (thanks to Aunt Brenna for her help!):

Here are some more pictures from the hike we did on Memorial Day (thank you for sending them my way, Ann!). Isn't it beautiful?:

Here are the gifts that my sister and I made for my brother's fiance (for her bridal shower on the 17th). Our future SIL loved them a lot, which made us like her even more, what with liking our gifts and all. Please note that the pictures we used were not printed on a high quality printer. Yeah, I just used my black and white one. And giving someone frames is really easy. The Temples and pictures of Christ borders on two of them? Hard. Printing off photos to put in the frames? Easy. Can you guess which part I did? Fo' shizzle!:
And here is a photo of Michelle, our soon-to-be SIL, me, and my mom at the bridal shower and her reaction to our gift!:
I LOVE the picture you blew up and framed. Who says they need to be boring and serious??? :-)
Great pictures, Cheryl! I bet that your future SIL was thrilled with the gifts. I know that Bryan and I need more pictures of just us around.
Oh that hike looks coooold!!
I love that you have #1 in self defense. Spencer wants Rachel to go into Karate or something in the next year or so. It's so good for them not only safety wise but discipline too.
Ah, young love! What a great shower gift.
The hike looks beautiful. Oh to have beautiful scenery!
Awesome gifts! And that hike looks gorgeous.
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