It's My Birthday! I'm celebratin' up a storm by bringing you a glimpse of my charmed life. We're focusing on the good here, people, so have some fun learning about yours truly. It's all about Me, today!
On February 26th, 1979 at exactly 4:32PM, my awesome life started. Wasn't I cute?
Here we are, working our second year at Aspen Grove Family Camp. That's right, people! I worked as the Cub Leader for 2 summers and was the Office Manager in between. Brandon did stuff, too, but this isn't about him. Really, dear reader, do I have to remind you?
After graduating from BYU, we had children. Wait! What am I talking about?! #1 came to us six days before we both graduated. That's right! She's a BYU baby.
I actually LOVE being pregnant. Everything about me is better --I don't even mind the double-H whammy (heartburn and hemorrhoids). I have great skin, great hair, no PMS, excuses to get my feet rubbed, etc. And best of all? I have no complications (well, except some anemia and bleeding out during delivery, but that's mostly after the pregnancy, see?). I recognize this all for the blessing it is, so without further ado, here are pictures. Of me. Since this is about me!
Here is #2!
Now, #3:
And now #4 (inside and out. And yes, I have BIG babies!):
My life is full of children stuff, this is true. But I still manage to have fun. Here are some photos of me in my post-baby body. Now, I'm saving my New and Improved body (and the really fat body) for after I hit goal weight. Then I'll do the big unveiling of the before and after shots! Whoo-hoo! You'll have to stick around for that one, for sure.
I was an amazing baby. No, it's true! Ask my mother and father. They were so thrilled with me, their first born, that they thought "Hey! This parenting stuff is easy. Let's have another one!"
And so they did. 16 months later:
They went on to have more children, but this isn't about them. It's about me! So, let's continue on about me. I grew up into a delightful young girl.
I endured the "awkward" stage. You know what I'm talking about --the braces, the weird hair, the pimples, the horrendous puberty years --and so I've chosen not to show pictures. Because they aren't pretty, people! And there are too many pictures of me in this post as it is, and I get to choose what I post, etc. etc. blah, blah,, let's skip to high school graduation!
I graduated in the top half of my class! Whoo! I went on to BYU, and a short time later (exactly 3 semesters), I married my Hunky Hubby. He, of course, was thrilled to find such an amazing woman. I was cute and quirky. [Sorry, no wedding pictures. If you want to see them badly enough, go here.]
When I see these next pictures I want to yell "Yeah, enjoy your wrinkle-free skin now, baby! Because in 9 years, you'll miss it!"
Here we are, working our second year at Aspen Grove Family Camp. That's right, people! I worked as the Cub Leader for 2 summers and was the Office Manager in between. Brandon did stuff, too, but this isn't about him. Really, dear reader, do I have to remind you?
After graduating from BYU, we had children. Wait! What am I talking about?! #1 came to us six days before we both graduated. That's right! She's a BYU baby.

I actually LOVE being pregnant. Everything about me is better --I don't even mind the double-H whammy (heartburn and hemorrhoids). I have great skin, great hair, no PMS, excuses to get my feet rubbed, etc. And best of all? I have no complications (well, except some anemia and bleeding out during delivery, but that's mostly after the pregnancy, see?). I recognize this all for the blessing it is, so without further ado, here are pictures. Of me. Since this is about me!
This is #1 (inside and out!):
Here is #2!
Now, #3:
And now #4 (inside and out. And yes, I have BIG babies!):
My life is full of children stuff, this is true. But I still manage to have fun. Here are some photos of me in my post-baby body. Now, I'm saving my New and Improved body (and the really fat body) for after I hit goal weight. Then I'll do the big unveiling of the before and after shots! Whoo-hoo! You'll have to stick around for that one, for sure.
[From top to bottom (L to R): Cruise, Cruise, Maui, Maui, Gualala River, and Alcatraz]
Well, that's all for now. Happy Birthday to me! Next year will be even more fun, since it will be the big 3-0! But for now, I'll enjoy being 29.
P.S. To all of you wonderful blogger-commenter-people (and friends who send emails): You are the reason I write. Thank you so much for your kind comments in my previous post; thank you for reading the silly words I take the time to write, and thank you for making my life that much better. I'm so lucky to have blogging friends like you! THANK YOU!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I wish I had known! Have a great day! Oh and I don't know why but 29 was so hard for me. It seemed so old but only a few more months and I turn the big 3-0. Crazy...
Happy Birthday! See you in a few hours! Yeah for excercise!
Happy Birthday! How fun to see so many pictures of your life! You really are beautiful, and your family is lovely too. Thanks for sharing... And have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one. Enjoy 29, 30 is actually pretty great.
Happy birthday!! How fun that was. I loved seeing all those great pictures. You are a cutie. The one of you standing next to the piano is the way I remember you.
Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL! Wow, I can't believe you are only 29 and have accomplished so much! I really look up to you (a whole whopping 2 years older than me) and I hope that when I am 29, which is SOOOO far away (riiiiiight) I will somehow have life figured out as good as you!
Happy happy birthday, Cheryl dear. Happy days will come to you all year. If I had a wish then it would be, a happy happy birthday Cheryl dear!
I hope you are doing something so fun to celebrate!
Thank you!
It's because you've had a hard year. I say refuse to love 29 and embrace 30 with all your heart. 30 will be YOUR year!
Oh, puh-leaze! Accomplishments!? Girl, you're full of them! It's so funny how someone I admire greatly would turn out to admire me. Oh, the irony! :) Seriously, you are awesome.
Happy Birthday, Cherly! Wishing you a wonderful day and an even better year to come!
(From a 1-time commenter/ most-of-the-time lurker :-)
Happy, happy birthday! I loved all of your pictures.
Happy Birthday Cheryl!! I loved the pictures!. Hey did you graduate in Utah? If so, what HS?
Hooray! I love it when lurkers comment! I hope you become a frequent comment-er instead of just a lurker. :)
I graduated from Blackfoot High School! Go Broncos! (Blackfoot, ID)
Happy Happy birthday Cheryl. You are great. Have a wonderful day! Your #1 looks just like you in that one picture.
Thinking of you...
Happy Birthday, Cheryl! Oh, to be 29 again!
Happy Birthday Cheryl!! Wish I'd known this morning we could have been singing Happy Birthday while planking! Have a great day!!
Hi...I just stumbled upon your blog. I love it! What a great, positive voice (you know writing voice) you have! Happy Birthday too! From someone who is a few years ahead of you (I'm 33), just want to say...the best is yet to come!
Thank you for your honesty and great attitude. Stop by my blog any time:
Happy Birthday, Cheryl! I'm another person who really enjoys reading your blog, but doesn't usually comment.
I truly admire how you have handled all the challenges you faced this past year. I'm an old grandmother now, with children your age, but I can remember when we had to move several times for my husband's work when we had small children. Trying to have a positive attitude and trusting in the Lord to help us through everything made all the difference for me, just as it has for you. I didn't have to deal with depression, however, so you need to cope with extra burdens.
May this year bring you all the strength you need to go through another move, and many hours of joy and inner peace, even in the midst of chaos. I'm sure there are many of us who will be praying for you, and who will be inspired as well as entertained as we read your continuing blog posts! :)
I know, I should have, but I just feel weird saying "Hey! It's my birthday!" Although I doubt anyone would have cared... :)
lahansen -
Welcome! Come back again, okay?
There you are! You commented a few times last year, and I remember loving your advice. Thank you for your words; you made me cry!
Cheryl, I feel like a mega jerk not knowing a scripture study. I am not above making treats for such occasions! Love you and happy birthday.
As I told you on the is your birthday present. A comment from me. Happy Birthday Sister! You are great! My friend had a baby early this morning. I guess it's a great day to be born, huh? Love you!
Man, I wish I would have thought of doing a "me" photo recap for my birthday last cool. Happy birthday and isn't it great to be so young still. Ah, I'm loving it because I'm still in my twenties and can pass off as part of the Young Women most days. Life is beautiful and isn't it exciting to think about the possibilities this year will bring? I voted for living in a van, but I think Boston might suit you better.
Oh duh. You told me that before!
Happy birthday!
I wanna know why you didn't post any drum major pictures?! You know how ultra cool those uniforms always are! :)
How fun! Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It was fun talking to you tonight! Next time we will chat longer! LOVE YOU!!
Happy birthday! Hope your kids were extra nice to you. I loved your post. :) Happy Birthday-clap-to you!!
Happy fetching birthday girl!! Everyone deserves superb birthdays!! I love mine more than anything (well, almost anything...)
Happy Birthday, my piano friend. I must have missed one day of reading!!!!
Happy Birthday, Cheryl!
Happy {WAY late} birthday! I hope it was wonderful! I loved seeing all of the pictures. In fact, it brought back some fun memories..around baby #1 time. That feels like a lifetime ago!
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