Anywhosers, here is a synopsis of the fun time we had with our buddies, E and I. To understand why they came to visit, read here.
Oh, and Happy Fourth of July! I'll post about Go figure.

After picking them up at the airport, the kids and I took them to the Oakland Temple. It is an amazing place; not just because it's a temple, but because there's a visitor's center, a spectacular view of SF, and you can walk up onto the mezzanine level (below the towers) for a better view of the Bay.

The next day was boring --I made the boys watch my kids while I taught 7 piano lessons. I made it up to them by taking them swimming (in my friend's condo's swimming pool. Wah-hoo! Free swimming!). However, on Thursday, we went to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo! It was so fun. The boys helped me out with the kids for most of the day, and then I left them there around 3PM. I dropped the kids off at home, got a sitter, and then DH and I went back up to Six Flags for the evening for some awesome roller coaster ridin'! DH got sick, though --which was odd because he usually only gets car sick or sea sick --never "roller coaster" sick. "I" also got a little queasy, but "E" and I went on as many as we could fit in! Except for the headache I got later, it was fabulous!

Friday was spent at Half-Moon Bay. The boys really wanted to go to the beach, and even though I tried to explain how the beaches in northern California are not nearly as swimmable as the ones in southern California, they were determined. So, off we went! It was one of the best sand beaches I've ever seen! It was gorgeous. The wind was crazy that day, which made the kite flying awesome, but it was only 62 degrees. The water was freezing; they boys jumped in only once or twice and for only a few minutes. Even then, they complained about numbness! We spent most of our time building sandcastles (well, I spent most of it taking pictures of the sand castle building), kite flying, and laughing at the two boys jumping in the water.

Pier 39 and Fisherman's Wharf were the beginning of Saturday. We took BART into the city and walked around; got lunch, played the old arcade games at...oh, golly, what was it called?Anyway, we had tickets that night for the Giant's game, and so we were getting ready to hop on the bus that would take us to the train that would take us to the stadium --but the crowds of people were unreal! We would never make it in time. Instead, DH found some guy with a limo, who treated it like a taxi. We got a great deal, and hopped in. He also found another couple (and when he dropped them off, he got more people) and a man who sat in the front seat. We overheard this crazy Limo driver (who kept swearing and DH would yell "There's kids in the back!" and he'd say "Oh, sorry. I am retarded! I love you!" with his Hispanic accent.) talking with the guy in the front and he looked familiar. After the driver got to his stop and helped him out of the car, I realized it was Ed Asner! Nobody else knew who he was, but being the daughter of my mother, I sure did! Too bad we didn't get a picture with him. Darn. Anyways, we went to the baseball game (after that Limo ride which felt more like the bus rides in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico --I swear he was going to kill us!) and it was a short-lived game. We had fun, but "I" had a migraine, it was cold, the kids were tired/hungry, and the lines for food were too long and too expensive (I know because I stood in those lines and by the time I got up there to pay for the $4 hot dogs they were sold out. Grrrrr....). So, we left early. It was a loooooong day, so it was good to get home. Oh, and Barry Bonds did NOT hit a home run after we left, so we felt even better. :)

Sunday was lazy (hooray!) and Monday was spent at the Golden Gate Bridge. Then we took the boys to the airport. It was a fun week! I hope they enjoyed it as much as we did.
I'll post some more pictures later today...
1 comment:
How funny that you rode with Ed Asner. That's random!
We are loving the Bay area. We're in Napa right now. It is gorgeous!
Our trip to the bridge (both times) was completely covered by fog. Ah well...
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