Friday, September 01, 2006


Okay, you people stink at giving advice. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Because I know there are at least 8 people that read my blog regularly --YES, I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! --and yet, no advice. I know at least 2 of those people have been to their high school reunions.

I wasn't kidding, people! I need advice! And I need it NOW!!!!


Anonymous said...

I have no ideas of my own. Here are a few websites I found though:

I think this is for creating a high school reunion website:

Here are general ideas:

I hope this helps a little.

This is Carrie said...

Sorry cheryl. I let you down. I helped plan my 10 year two summers ago. We mostly had a event planner do it. But truly, it was pretty boring - just an overpriced dinner and dancing. I would have loved this for one night and then a family picnic the next day maybe.

But anyway, here are the few things I did for the reunion:

I set up a site for the CLass of '95 to help start bringing people back in touch. I actually started this in 2000 so by the time 2005 rolled around not only were you excited to see old friends, but also other people that you had connected with through the site. I guess those on the site felt a little more invested in each other.

FOr the actual reunion, I solicited old H.S. snapshots from people. I combined those with scanned images from the yearbook, scanned old mementos and made a video. It turned out really good and everyone liked watching it. I really tried to make sure all "groups' were represented in the video so no one felt left out.

At our reunion they also had a couple "awards" to vote one. They were:

Most likely to roll in a Bentley, Most likely to be on Survivor and win, Most Changed, Most interesting career, Hot Mamma, Hot Pappa. These were really fun - at least I thought so but maybe it was because I won Hot Mamma - no one else was 7 months pregnant and wearing 4 inch heels!

That's all I got for you. For Todd's reunion, we just made it for the family day. Everyone brought their own food, drinks were provided. THey had some games for the kids, did a few awards and then had a raffle of donated items to make money for the next reunion. It was nice because you could have better conversations with people without blaring loud music and drunk crazies.

Cheryl said...

You guys are the greatest. I was beginning to think I was unread again. :) :)

Thanks for the help! Trust me, it does!