Tuesday, April 25, 2006

"Now I can go to Kindergarten!"

Well, today was quite busy, I tell ya'!

At 9AM I had my pelvic exam to make sure everything was all right from the miscarriage. Yes, yes, everything is fine. It's all good and I was reminded why I go to CNM's and not OBGYN's. (if you really want to know---ask me why. ).

I picked up the kids and whisked them to "park day" with some friends for our weekly park date. Fun, fun. And it was, really, because the sun was shining and the kids actually got along okay, and #2 remembered when she had to go potty, so it was all good.

Then we stopped at Wendy's for lunch because #1 had her Dr. appt. at 1PM and we didn't have time to go home --and I was so proud of myself for eating a side salad with half the dressing they gave me, some water and I only snuck 9 french fries and 2 chicken nuggets. Go me!

Then to the Pediatrician's office for her LONG--LONG--LONG exam...#3 started screaming and crying half way through and finally fell asleep on my shoulder. #2 was very cooperative, I will give her that. #1 was great until the immunizations. Oh, yes, you think giving a 2 year old shots is hard? Try a tall, athletic 5 year old that knows EXACTLY what "sticking a sharp needle into my arm" means. What's sad is that as soon as the nurse (while the other nurse and I held her down) did it, she laughed. "Oh, that didn't hurt!" But at least now she's knows it's not so bad. And as she said: "Now I can go to Kindergarten!"

Now all I have to do is:

Teach 3 piano lessons; make dinner; go grocery shopping; do the laundry; clean the house; unpack all the way from the Cali trip; go to Primary Presidency Meeting; Return a million phone calls; call the bank; remember to take those forms back to the Dr's office for them to fill out that I forgot to take with us because we went to Wendy's instead of going home....

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