Monday, January 13, 2014

Tough As Nails

I worked my tail off on Saturday.

I did laundry all day long, I helped all the boys deep clean their rooms. I cleaned most of the main floor (deep cleaning under and behind furniture) and cleaned up puke (#5 got sick shortly before dinner). I went to bed exhausted, but satisfied with all my hard work. I felt even better because Brandon had loads of work to get done for his job (even though he still cleaned our room and found time to do a Costco run for us, taking three of the kids with him) and I felt like I was doing my part while he was doing his, you know?

Yesterday was Sunday, the Day of Rest. So, therefore, and what-not, I chose to rest. I stayed home with the puke-y child and the toddler while Brandon took the older four to church. I was bummed to miss out on Ward Conference (truth is, I hate missing church altogether, ever), but we all cuddled together on the couch and watched Pete's Dragon and Finding Nemo. I decided to take a break from all my chores and focus on other things. Brandon left for Texas after church (business) and so I worked on some family history stuff for #2's Faith in God requirement and #1's personal progress. I also talked #3 through some Faith in God requirements of his own. We had a great time going through family history books and pedigree charts and researching online a bit. Then the kids played some board games. Right around the time of frozen pizza, we sent the little kids upstairs to play the iPad so the older kids and I could watch most of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Then it was pajamas, prayers, and bed. I drank some herbal tea, finally started reading "The Poisonwood Bible" (yes, I know it's ridiculous I haven't read it, yet!) and went to bed far too late (but before midnight!).

The house? All my work from Saturday? Pretty much undone.

Oh, it's not soooo bad. But I realized that if I'm not on top of my game, if I'm not constantly reminding and asking and encouraging (gently or not) the kids to put things away, then the house returns to a disaster of epic proportions in a small matter of time.

Sometimes I really don't like my role.

Don't get me wrong --I truly love and honor my role. I chose this. I want this. I'm blessed with all of this and I wouldn't trade it for anything. But it's tough as nails and it is unrelenting.

Sure, I imagine a world where kids are obedient and loving and don't need to be told always what to do. But that world would be kind of dumb because if you think about it, I'm already living in a world where I have to be told what to do and reminded constantly to be obedient and loving. That's why I go to Church and read the scriptures and do my best to follow the counsel of prophets. Left to my own devices, I don't do a very good job of loving mankind or being responsible. In fact, knowing myself, I would probably fall prey to incredible addictions that could ruin my life.

Anyway, those are my thoughts this morning amidst the cleaning I have to do. After I take #5 to preschool and take #6 to our new music class we joined. These cuties are growing up way too fast. Too fast, I tell you!

P.S. I was updating some information on my LinkedIn profile, and I thought I'd share my job description with you:

"Maintaining the health and well being of 6 growing, whiny, beautiful, talented children and one amazing, helpful, handsome husband. Includes becoming an expert in cuisine, house cleaning services, organization, spider killing, ouchie fixing, throw up catching, diaper changing, laundering, weeding, gardening, grocery shopping, shoe finding, bed making, emotional counseling, bike fixing, toilet unclogging, hugging, laughing, patience practicing, and homework helping. Hours = 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No holidays. Comes complete with constant and consistent worry. Payment is made through smiles, giggles, kisses, and words of affirmation, along with the occasional homemade card."

How was your weekend? Do anything interesting or exciting or completely mundane? 

1 comment:

I love, love, love your comments! But please remember a few things:
1. Please be respectful.
2. If you know the names of our children or our last name, please do not use them.