Thursday, November 21, 2013

What are you loving right now?

Things I'm loving right now:

*Button-free Cardigan sweaters. I keep buying more!
*Pennsylvania sunrises
*The Full moon (and the harvest moon we saw on Tuesday night! It was so orange and amazing as it rose in the sky...).
*The battery-powered candlesticks Brandon bought me so I can look like all my neighbors (they put them in their windows around this time for many reasons. Some do it for religious reasons (Jewish and Christian), but I honestly think most people do it because it's pretty! And traditional!). Here's an example of what it looks like (just a photo I stole off of google):

I only have candles in our front windows, though, not our back and side ones... I'll take a photo of our house with them soon!
*Schnuggles with my baby (who is almost 22 months old, can you believe it?!)
*The fact that a Costco is closer to me here (5 min (2.1 miles) ) than it was to me in Provo (11 min (4 miles)), although I'm quite disappointed in their smaller book section. 
*My ability (because of prayer. And Brandon. And my awesomeness) to do hard things, even when the panic attacks creep up. 
*The fact that my kids are making friends.
*Hearing my 4 year old son say, "You are the best mom in the world!" because I know how to make a simple birthday cake for his dad. 
*Our quiet street. 

What are you loving right now? 


  1. When we lived in Virginia we loved how during this time of year everyone has a candle and a wreath in each of their windows. We adopted that and now put a candle and hang a wreath in our windows during the Holidays!
    I think it's so cozy and welcome homeish!{If that's even a word!}

  2. quiet mornings. sweatshirts that are too big. stephen's brand pumpkin spice hot chocolate. morning snuggles with my baby (who is 8 and a few months). general conference talks.

    Love your list, Cheryl. Thanks for making me take a minute to think of my own. :)

  3. Oh I love the candles in the windows! I brought some home from my mission but they have long since burned out. I am going to buy more this year and do it again!


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