Saturday, July 27, 2013

Aprons, Idaho, Etc. and So Forth


Due to some brilliant friends, I bought myself some aprons.

And I love them!

Why haven't I been putting on aprons every single day of my life!? The truth is, I think up until this point I eschewed them because they somehow represented --at least in my mind --the oppressed and mistreated housewives of days gone by. But I realized how incredibly stupid that thinking was because, guess what? Aprons are genius.  If you get the ones that have pockets, are long, and cover your torso as well, you can use them to:
*wipe hands, noses, and tears
*store garbage or other items until you walk by where they belong
*dry counters
*handle hot items and open jars more easily
*clean up spills
*protect your clothing

They are brilliant. And they make me feel more like a woman! I feel like they are my uniform. I mean, women and men who work outside the home usually have some kind of "work uniform," right? Executives wear suits, policeman wear uniforms, fast-food chain employees wear their own unique outfit, too, right? So, why not a housewife?

So, that's what I do. I wear my aprons and I tend to actually get things done! It's crazy how it works, but it totally does.



*#3 went to Cub Scout Day Camp, where he made a wooden airplane and bought a harmonica
*#1 spent time playing a soccer scrimmage and going to fun YM/YW activities (like going to the water park)
*While Brandon was gone, the kids and I spent a lot of time with our besties (including a sleepover!).
*I got to hang out with some amazing friends sans kids (we might have stayed up past 1AM... )
*I got to see one of my favorite people for a few hours
*My cousin (great boy that he is! Okay, maybe he's a man, now) spent time with us and even watched the kids for me a few times
*We went to Idaho!



We spent five days at my parent's house with my sister and her kids (no husbands!) and we had a great time. We did the following!

Day One:
*We arrived just in time to join the backyard water party (well, not really --kids just played outside in the little pool and had a water fight) and enjoyed a barbeque with my great-aunt (more like my mom's cousin but we love her like a grandma) Iris and my brother's family.

Day Two:
*We went to Idaho Falls to the park where my SIL took photos of my nephews
*Watched our niece for our SIL and let the kids watch a movie
*Went to Rupe's for ice cream!

Day Three:
*Grandpa's day-off, so we went to the Tautphaus Park Zoo in Idaho Falls
*Picnic at a park where we found left-over ice blocks --whoo-hoo! Instant ice-blocking!
*Spent many hours with my dear writing friend, Liz, and met her lovely family
*Went out to dinner with my folks, sister, brother, and SIL to a really great restaurant

(Oldest to youngest, minus the 2 babies and our niece who arrived soon thereafter)





(#2, #4, and #5 got "Elf Ears" from Liz's husband. #2 was over the moon about them!)

(Saying goodnight to Brandon. Not my best photo, but still...!)

Day Four:
*Got to spend time with my amazing and dear friends, Ruth and Paul (they happened to be in town at the same time! The odds were crazy!)
*Met many wonderful friends at the local lake and park for lunch --got to see Becca, Rachael, Emily, and Christine (my sister's friends were there as well as my sister's SIL and her kids).
*My kids jumped into the lake fully clothed after the picnic (we weren't going to be swimming; they convinced me otherwise)
*More swimming at Grandma's house
*Taco night!

(No, it's not blood! Just fresh raspberries from Becca's garden. Yum!)


Day Five:
*Oldest kids went garage sale hopping with Grandma
*Packed up, lunch with my kids at Rupe's, and drove home!

Each night we spent time playing Canasta (my girls included!).

There were a lot of kids in the house and it made for a lot of laughter, tears, and noise. I was sad to leave (I always am), but so excited to see Brandon again. While we were gone, he was working and even hosted his aunt/uncle/cousins for a night. So sad that I missed them!


*I'm wearing my skirt (love my maxi dresses/skirts) and my red gingham apron
*Did household chores
*Thinking of all the things I still need to do (laundry, gospel doctrine lesson, dinner, help #3 with his primary talk, bills, etc.)
*Looking forward to date night tonight. Whoo-hoo!



#5 turns four years old! FOUR! Potty training begins (again) on Monday. Wish us luck. Mostly me.


  1. It was so fun to have you over! Let's definitely do that again. :)

    I'm with you on aprons. I do seem to take myself more seriously as a home-mama when I'm in an apron, and it surely does save my clothes.

  2. I love your parents and their lovely home. I would like to know how one "gets elf ears." ??

  3. Yay for the update! I'll have to try wearing my aprons more...maybe I would get something done too!

  4. Linda! One gets elf ears by pinching your ears together --with super glue. :)


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