Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Best Smell in the World = Rain

Today I have a post up at Real Intent. It's for anyone who has hated Mother's Day or for anyone who has loved someone who has hated Mother's Day. Here's a sampling:

"Mother’s Day doesn’t have to be filled with bitterness and hatred. It really can be a day of honoring the holy calling of motherhood, even amidst our own personal pain."


Brandon is gone for business until Friday and so instead of making dinner tonight, I figured we could grab something quick and go to the park. But then it started raining. And then #5 slammed his poor finger in the front door (he's fine, although I'm not sure if the nail will survive). With the rain and the injury, we've decided to stay home.

And order some pizza!

Yep, we live on the wild side.


I exercised this morning for nearly 30 minutes and showered before the kids were up. I may not have been as productive the rest of the day, but I'm feeling... clean.


The baby has learned to shriek. This is worse than the screaming he learned to do recently, and I'm finding it really grating on my psyche. I'm trying to show him how to be quiet with quiet voice/noises, but who am I kidding? He's been hearing me yell at the kids all day, every day (we're just loud people) and so it's only natural he's learned to shriek to communicate.

I love it when my mistakes are manifested in the kids! Okay, not really.


I love the month of May. I really, really do! I love the rain and the flowers, the green grass growing, the kids getting close to being finished with school... It's a lovely month. I think I love it as much as September. I mean, if you went outside my door right now, you would be smelling the most beautiful smell in the world! Rain. It's lovely, really... Sigh...

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1. Please be respectful.
2. If you know the names of our children or our last name, please do not use them.