Friday, February 08, 2013

Six Years for #4!


I can't believe it's already been six years! #4 is in Kindergarten, learning to read, rides his bike everywhere, and although he has the unfortunate position of being a middle child, he is certainly a lot of fun. His favorites: m&c, Lego, Star Wars, Avatar: The Last Airbender, more Lego, toast, BYU, and his blanket. Happy Birthday, sweet boy! We sure love you!





  1. Beautiful pictures, what a handsome guy. Happy Birthday, little man! And my goodness - that second picture could very nearly be of your youngest, looks like almost a mirror image!

  2. 6?!?! Wow!! Happy birthday!! I remember when he was a baby!! Crazy!!


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1. Please be respectful.
2. If you know the names of our children or our last name, please do not use them.