Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Recent Photos and Stuff Like That

Random Photos from life in our Crazy Home:

My anniversary flowers and my all made-up face before a date with my handsome hubby.


Piano Recital! I wasn't able to be there, but the kids did great (according to their father and the recordings I heard later).

Lots of snow! It was crazy how much we got, but here's the craziest part: I didn't mind. I didn't hate it. It didn't bother me. Am I growing up? Perhaps. There's a blog post brewing about how my lack of hatred for winter this year is proving how mature I'm getting. Or something like that. But hey, isn't #5 super cute?? Oh, and just so you know, all this snow? Basically gone, now. Utah weather is crazy!

Science Fair! #1 and #2 entered this year. Neither made District (4th graders couldn't, anyway), but they both did a great job. I was proud of them!

This little guy is 11 months old! Can you believe it's almost been a year since he was born!? I cannot. He's walking, he's into everything, and he's the sweetest thing. I love his face!

This is #3 with his "turban." Don't ask. It's just random.

#2 kept getting in the way --I was trying to get a photo of #1 and #6 sitting in a laundry basket. Still cute! Best part for me: afternoon sunshine coming in through the living room windows.

#1 and her "hair loopies!" 10 kazillion points if you can guess what that is from....

#2 and #3 got a jump on decorating their Valentine's boxes for next week. Future engineers!


  1. Are the hair loopies from the Nikelodeon cartoon Avatar: the last airbender?

  2. I remember doing Science Fairs when I was a kid. I really enjoyed them! I think it's because I was supposed to be a scientist or something. I'm glad the girl participated : ) And I love #1's Avatar hair!

  3. Love the turban.

    #1 looks so much like you.

  4. Oh, you know I go crazy for pictures...I love these random glimpses into your Happy/Crazy life! :)


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