The house was clean the other day. I don't know what prompted me to take these photos, but I'm sure documentation that I CAN have a clean house was probably one of the reasons.
(Fun details: #5 asleep on the couch. Music on the piano. Sunshine coming through the living room windows, meaning it was late afternoon --3ish?)
This is my kingdom. My domain. Where I spend 90% of my time. Between the kitchen and the living room, most of our living goes on. Homework, piano practice, meal preparation, movie watching, scripture study, FHE, playing games, fighting, craft-making, family-praying, letter-writing, blog-posting, yelling, laughing, coming and going....
This is my kingdom. My domain. Where I spend 90% of my time. Between the kitchen and the living room, most of our living goes on. Homework, piano practice, meal preparation, movie watching, scripture study, FHE, playing games, fighting, craft-making, family-praying, letter-writing, blog-posting, yelling, laughing, coming and going....
(Fun details: The painting of my children, the high chair)
It's not large. Our home is modest, but it is sufficient for our needs. Because I spend a lot of time here, I take it upon myself to decorate in a way that brings our family peace. My walls reflect our values, the things we want our kids to learn. Family. Christ. Temples.
It's not large. Our home is modest, but it is sufficient for our needs. Because I spend a lot of time here, I take it upon myself to decorate in a way that brings our family peace. My walls reflect our values, the things we want our kids to learn. Family. Christ. Temples.
(Fun details: #3's headphones on the desk, the hat on the bannister)
Your turn. Take photos of your kingdom, in whatever state it may be in, and then write a blog post about it. Let me know in the comments if you do it! I would love to see where you dwell. But if not, at least tell me about your home. Where do you spend most of your time? How do you make your space work? What fun details can you see in your domain right now?
Your turn. Take photos of your kingdom, in whatever state it may be in, and then write a blog post about it. Let me know in the comments if you do it! I would love to see where you dwell. But if not, at least tell me about your home. Where do you spend most of your time? How do you make your space work? What fun details can you see in your domain right now?
You know what I loved about your house when I came to visit? It just feels like home. Comfy, accepting, real...hey, those words also describe you!