Friday, December 12, 2008

A Picture, a Laugh, and a Song

I stole this from Amanda, but I wanted to share the photo with you, dear reader. Here is Annette, me, Amber, Amanda, and Julie after our blogging lunch during Thanksgiving break. Aren't we cute?

Want a great laugh? I got this from my friend, Cheryl (her blog is private, but you know her as Cardalls!).

This is one of my new favorite Christmas videos (okay, well, technically, it's just a clip of the Sissel's performance with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir --but I love it!). Enjoy!


  1. What a gorgeous group of ladies!:D :D :D

  2. You guys are cute! I wish I could have been there.

  3. Yikes! Nothing like the full frontal view! :D Goodness. Despite that- it was a fun lunch! One I'd love to repeat in the spring. :)

  4. All I can say is that is the wrong Amber for you to be hanging out with. :-)

  5. That's a long commercial but it is pretty funny.

  6. Well, Amber (Canuck), if you tried hard enough, you could have been here! You know you wanna... ;)

    And Amber (not Canuck), we'll definitely have to do another one. Maybe meet in SLC this time?


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