Sunday, January 13, 2008

Watch out Singing Time! Here he comes!

Be patient and wait for it. You'll be glad you did. :)

Look what sweet Summer did! I think this is the second award she's given me. Talk about making my day.

I want to nominate a few people for this award, because you guys are just dang cool!

Amanda at The Little Things

Rochelle at Rochelle's Ravings


  1. You are so sweet! Thanks. Love ya!

  2. Yea! Thanks, chickie!! Video was super cute!!!

  3. Hahah! I love the part where you pull his hands out of his mouth! It's like all of our home videos where it's like hands are attached to the front of the lens... and then lens always scolds... sigh.... ;)

  4. LOL! Very cute! What fun he will have. :)


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